Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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Entries from April 2007

Ruby on Rails Database Related Rails Migration For Beginners Tutorial – Brief but effective explanation of how migration scripts in Rails look like and how they are used.

New widget and a fix for empty widget titles

April 5th, 2007 · No Comments

I had been using the widget included with the [widgets
distribution]( to produce the “my” section in the sidebar. Today I discovered that also provides a [javascript
snippet]( that you can include to
produce exactly the same output, so I have disabled the
plugin and inserted the javascript in a new Text widget.
The problem? The code [...]


Tags: ·

Quickies for Xcode – A useful list of Xcode tips and tricks
Bembo’s Zoo – Very neat “alphabet zoo” in which the animals are made of animated, morphed and rearranged letters (the ones in their names)
zen habits | Achieving Goals through Daily Habits – An interesting blog about productivity, GTD and peace of mind (2)

Sphere plugin

April 5th, 2007 · 4 Comments

I’m trying out the Sphere Wordpress plugin, so you will see a link at the bottom of most posts. If you click on it, it’s supposed to find related things on the web. In my tests so far, the things it finds do not seem very relevant, but I’ll let it there for a bit [...]


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From here to there

April 4th, 2007 · No Comments

A bit of humor courtesy of web-heads:

Go to
Click on the tab in the upper middle that says “Get directions”
In the first box, type: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC
In the second box, type: 10 Downing Street, London, UK
Enjoy the trip! (look at step 24)

(Adapted from a post by Frederick Clegg)

