I had been using the del.icio.us widget included with the [widgets
distribution](http://automattic.com/code/widgets/) to produce the “my
del.icio.us” section in the sidebar. Today I discovered that
del.icio.us also provides a [javascript
snippet](http://del.icio.us/help/linkrolls) that you can include to
produce exactly the same output, so I have disabled the del.icio.us
plugin and inserted the javascript in a new Text widget.
The problem? The del.icio.us code produces a title for the list (you
can specify an empty title, but if I did that, for some reason the
list appeared empty as well), but if I left the empty title in the
Text widget, an ugly empty title bar appeared. Of course, [someone has
already figured out the
solution](http://www.marketanomaly.com/?p=220), which is a very simple
modification to the code of the text widget. Happy again!
I also noticed that del.icio.us can automatically do a daily post of
new links to your blog. Maybe I will try that next, to replace the
[postalicious plugin](http://neop.gbtopia.com/?p=108) which I have
been using to produce my [Linky
posts](http://www.zzamboni.org/brt/2005/02/19/new-linky-category/). Postalicious
works very nicely, but the less moving pieces I have to maintain, the