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image from Changing "message:" protocol handler from Sparrow back to

Changing "message:" protocol handler from Sparrow back to

January 25, 2012
After using Sparrow for a while, I have decided to switch back to However, even after setting my default email client to, all my message: links (for example, from messages dragged from into Things) were opening in Sparrow.

After some experimentation, I figured out what happened: I switched the default email client from Sparrow to Mail using Mail's preference panel:


Apparently this switches the application for the mailto: protocol, but not for message:, nor for .eml files. The solution was to use Sparrow's preference panel to set it again as the default email client, and then disable it. Then Sparrow correctly sets all the protocol handlers back to their default values.

How to remove a subproject/submodule to a git-svn repository

January 25, 2012

To sum up, you delete the offending directory and then run something to the effect of

git filter-branch --index-filter \
'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch path/to/the/formerly/misbehaving/module'

I accidentally added another git repository to a git-svn repository, which makes it die when trying to push the changes. This technique helped me fix it. Documenting mostly so I remember when it happens again sometime.

image from nwdiag - simple network-diagram image generators — blockdiag 1.0 documentation

nwdiag - simple network-diagram image generators — blockdiag 1.0 documentation

January 23, 2012

nwdiag generates network-diagram image file from .diag file. .diag file is similar to DOT file (graphviz’s).

You can get diagrams like this.


Very useful, like Graphviz but specifically for network diagrams. You can probably obtain the same result with Graphviz with the appropriate amount of dot magic, but nwdiag makes this very easy. Other useful graph types in sister projects: