My Elvish Configuration With Commentary
Last update: October 30, 2024
In this blog post I will walk you through my current Elvish configuration file, with running commentary about the different sections.
This is also my first blog post written using org-mode, which I have started using for writing and documenting my code, using literate programming. The content below is included unmodified from my file (as of the date shown above), from which the rc.elv file is directly generated.
If you are interested in writing your own Literate Config files, check out my new book Literate Config on Leanpub!
Without further ado…
Module loading
Load a number of commonly-used modules so that they are available in my interactive session.
Load the bundled re module to have access to regular expression functions.
use re
The bundled readline-binding module associates some Emacs-like keybindings for manipulation of the command line.
use readline-binding
The bundled path
module contains path manipulation functions.
use path
The bundled str
and math
modules for string manipulation and math operations.
use str
use math
First we set up the executable paths. We set the GOPATH
environment variable while we are at it, since we need to use it as part of the path.
# Where all the Go stuff is
if (path:is-dir ~/Dropbox/Personal/devel/go) {
set E:GOPATH = ~/Dropbox/Personal/devel/go
} else {
set E:GOPATH = ~/go
# Optional paths, add only those that exist
var optpaths = [
var optpaths-filtered = [(each {|p|
if (path:is-dir $p) { put $p }
} $optpaths)]
set paths = [
My work machine setup blocks
, so I configure for all modules to be downloaded directly from their source.
set E:GONOPROXY = "*"
I have a quick sanity check because sometimes certain paths disappear depending on new versions, etc. This prints a warning when opening a new shell, if there are any non-existing directories in $paths
. We need some wrapping around path:eval-symlinks
to avoid seeing warnings when the directory does not exist.
each {|p|
if (not (path:is-dir &follow-symlink $p)) {
echo (styled "Warning: directory "$p" in $paths no longer exists." red)
} $paths
Package installation
The bundled epm module allows us to install and manage Elvish packages.
use epm
For now I use these packages:
- contains all my modules except completions and themes. Maybe these should be separated eventually, but for now this works fine.
- contains my prompt themes (only chain for now).
- contains my completer definitions.
-, which includes the
module used below. - for the git utilities module.
- for the update.elv package.
epm:install &silent-if-installed ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
The modules within each package get loaded individually below.
Automatic proxy settings
When I am in the office, I need to use a proxy to access the Internet. For macOS applications, the proxy is set automatically using a company-provided PAC file. For the environment variables http_proxy
and https_proxy
, commonly used by command-line programs, the proxy module allows me to define a test which determines when the proxy should be used, so that the change is done automatically. We load this early on so that other modules which need to access the network get the correct settings already.
First, we load the module and set the proxy host.
set proxy:host = ""
Next, we set the test function to enable proxy auto-setting. In my case, the /etc/resolv.conf
file contains the
domain (set through DHCP) when I’m in the corporate network, so I can check for that.
proxy:test = {
and ?(test -f /etc/resolv.conf) ^
?(egrep -q '^(search|domain).*(|' /etc/resolv.conf)
We run an initial check so that other commands in get the correctd settings already, even before the first prompt.
General modules and settings
I add a couple of keybindings which are missing from the default readline-binding
to delete small-wordset edit:insert:binding[Alt-Backspace] = $edit:kill-small-word-left~
to delete the small-word under the cursorset edit:insert:binding[Alt-d] = $edit:kill-small-word-right~
I also bind “instant preview mode” to Alt-m. This is useful to see the results of a command while you are typing it.
set edit:insert:binding[Alt-m] = $edit:-instant:start~
Limit the height of location and history mode so that they don’t cover the whole screen.
set edit:max-height = 20
My 1pass
module provides some wrappers for interacting with the 1Password command line utility.
Read aliases defined by the op plugin
command. See for more details about op
shell plugins.
I haven’t gotten around to write an op
plugin for this, so I still use my lazy-vars
module to read the credentials for my 750words command-line client.
set E:USER_750WORDS =
lazy-vars:add-var PASS_750WORDS { 1pass:get-password "" }
lazy-vars:add-alias [ PASS_750WORDS ]
Aliases and miscellaneous functions
Elvish does not have built-in alias functionality, but this is implemented easily using the alias module, which stores the alias definitions as functions under ~/.elvish/aliases/ and loads them automatically.
For reference, I define here a few of my commonly-used aliases. Some of them are defined only if the corresponding external binary exists, I define a couple of functions to help with this.
fn have-external { |prog|
put ?(which $prog >/dev/null 2>&1)
fn only-when-external { |prog lambda|
if (have-external $prog) { $lambda }
only-when-external dfc {
alias:new dfc e:dfc -p -/dev/disk1s4,devfs,map,
only-when-external vagrant {
alias:new v vagrant
only-when-external hub {
alias:new git hub
Use bat
as my default pager, if installed. I love the bat
configuration for using bat
as the pager for man
only-when-external bat {
alias:new cat bat
alias:new more bat --paging always
set E:MANPAGER = "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"
Open man pages as PDF, I gathered this tip from Neat but not very useful for daily use, particularly with the bat
integration above.
fn manpdf {|@cmds|
each {|c|
man -t $c | open -f -a /System/Applications/
} $cmds
The smart-matcher module tries prefix match, smart-case prefix match, substring match, smart-case substring match, subsequence match and smart-case subsequence match automatically.
Other possible values for edit:completion:matcher
are [p]{ edit:match-prefix &smart-case $p }
for smart-case completion (if your pattern is entirely lower case it ignores case, otherwise it’s case sensitive). &smart-case
can be replaced with &ignore-case
to make it always case-insensitive.
I now use the universal Carapace completer module for most commends instead of custom-built Elvish completions:
# Enable the universal command completer if available.
# See
if (has-external carapace) {
eval (carapace _carapace | slurp)
One exception is the ssh
completer, I like my custom version from the elvish-completions package better, because it completes hostnames from ~/.ssh/config
instead of from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Prompt theme
I now use Starship for my prompt.
# eval (starship init elvish | sed 's/except/catch/')
# Temporary fix for use of except in the output of the Starship init code
eval (/usr/local/bin/starship init elvish --print-full-init | slurp)
You can find my current Starship config file at
I developed the chain prompt theme, ported from the fish theme at This whole section is disabled since I switched to Starship, but left here for reference.
epm:install &silent-if-installed
chain:bold-prompt = $false
I set the color of the directory segment, the prompt chains and the prompt arrow in my prompt to a session-identifying color (a different color for each session).
chain:segment-style = [
&dir= session
&chain= session
&arrow= session
&git-combined= session
&git-repo= bright-blue
Customize some of the glyphs for the font I use in my terminal. I use the Fira Code font which includes ligatures, so I disable the last chain, and set the arrow
segment to a combination of characters which shows up as a nice arrow.
chain:glyph[arrow] = "|>"
chain:show-last-chain = $false
Other prompt settings
Elvish has a comprehensive mechanism for displaying prompts with useful information while avoiding getting blocked by prompt functions which take too long to finish. For the most part the defaults work well. One change I like to make is to change the stale prompt transformer function to make the prompt dim when stale (the default is to show the prompt in inverse video):
set edit:prompt-stale-transform = {|x| styled $x "bright-black" }
Another possibility is to make the prompt stay the same when stale - useful to avoid distractions (disabled for now):
# edit:prompt-stale-transform = $all~
I also like the continuous update of the prompt as I type (by default it only updates on Enter and on $pwd
changes, but I like also git status changes to be updated automatically), so I increase its eagerness.
set edit:-prompt-eagerness = 10
iTerm2 shell integration support
The iterm2
module provides support for iTerm2’s Shell Integration features. Note that iterm2:init
must be called after setting up the prompt, hence this is done after loading the chain
module above.
set edit:insert:binding[Ctrl-L] = $iterm2:clear-screen~
Long-running-command notifications
The long-running-notifications module allows for producing a notification when a command takes longer than a certain time to finish (by default the period is 10 seconds). The module automatically detects when terminal-notifier is available on macOS and uses it to produce Mac-style notifications, otherwise it prints a notification on the terminal.
Directory and command navigation and history
Elvish comes with built-in location and command history modes, and these are the main mechanism for accessing prior directories and commands. The weight-keeping in location mode makes the most-used directories automatically raise to the top of the list over time.
I have decades of muscle memory using !! and !$ to insert the last command and its last argument, respectively. The bang-bang module allows me to keep using them.
The dir module implements a directory history and some related functions. I alias the cd
command to dir:cd
so that any directory changes are kept in the history. I also alias cdb
to dir:cdb
function, which allows changing to the base directory of the argument.
alias:new cd &use=[] dir:cd
alias:new cdb &use=[] dir:cdb
also implements a custom directory history chooser, which I bind to Alt-i (I have found I don’t use this as much as I thought I would - the built-in location mode works nicely).
set edit:insert:binding[Alt-i] = $dir:history-chooser~
I bind Alt-b/f
to dir:left-small-word-or-prev-dir
and dir:right-small-word-or-next-dir
respectively, which “do the right thing” depending on the current content of the command prompt: if it’s empty, they move back/forward in the directory history, otherwise they move through the words of the current command. In my terminal setup, Alt-left/right
also produce Alt-b/f
, so these bindings work for those keys as well.
set edit:insert:binding[Alt-b] = $dir:left-small-word-or-prev-dir~
set edit:insert:binding[Alt-f] = $dir:right-small-word-or-next-dir~
The following makes the location and history modes be case-insensitive by default:
set edit:insert:binding[Ctrl-R] = {
I use eza as a replacement for the ls
command, so I alias ls
to it. Unfortunately, eza
does not understand the -t
option to sort files by modification time, so I explicitly look for the -lrt
and -lrta
option combinations (which I use very often, and always trip me off) and replace them with the correct options for eza
. All other options are passed as-is.
only-when-external eza {
var eza-ls~ = { |@_args|
e:eza --color-scale --git --group-directories-first (each {|o|
util:cond [
{ eq $o "-lrt" } "-lsnew"
{ eq $o "-lrta" } "-alsnew"
:else $o
} $_args)
edit:add-var ls~ $eza-ls~
Dynamic terminal title
The terminal-title module handles setting the terminal title dynamically according to the current directory or the current command being executed.
Loading private settings
The private
module sets up some private settings such as authentication tokens. This is not on github :) The $private-loaded
variable gets set to $ok
if the module was loaded correctly.
var private-loaded = ?(use private)
O’Reilly Atlas
I sometimes use the O’Reilly Atlas publishing platform. The atlas module contains some useful functions for triggering and accessing document builds.
I used OpsGenie at work for a while, so I put together the opsgenie library to make API operations easier. I don’t actively use or maintain this anymore.
I use LeanPub for publishing my books, so I have written a few utility functions. I don’t use this regularly, I have much better integration using Hammerspoon and CircleCI, I wrote about it in my blog: Automating Leanpub book publishing with Hammerspoon and CircleCI. The Leanpub API key is fetched from 1Password when needed.
set leanpub:api-key-fn = { 1pass:get-item leanpub &fields=["API key"] }
Tiny module with some utility functions for using TinyTeX.
Conda integration
Conda integration for Elvish. This is not yet in the main Conda distribution, but in a PR:
The following block will get added to rc.elv
by conda init elvish
. Having it tangled out allows me to control where in the file it appears, since Conda only replaces/updates it instead of adding it again.
if (path:is-dir ~/Dropbox/Personal/devel/conda/devenv/bin) {
set @paths = ~/Dropbox/Personal/devel/conda/devenv/bin $@paths
only-when-external conda {
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
eval (~/Dropbox/Personal/devel/conda/devenv/bin/conda "shell.elvish" "hook" | upgrade-scripts-for-0.17 -lambda | slurp)"; conda activate aws"
# <<< conda initialize <<<
I can configure Conda to deactivate itself, or to set a default environment, through some files in my home directory.
conda-deactivate = ~/.conda-deactivate
conda-default-env = ~/.conda-default-env
if (path:is-regular $conda-deactivate) {
conda deactivate
} else {
if (path:is-regular $conda-default-env) {
conda activate (cat $conda-default-env)
I do some manual setup for PyEnv, since it does not yet have built-in support for Elvish.
only-when-external pyenv {
set paths = [ ~/.pyenv/shims $@paths ]
set-env PYENV_SHELL elvish
Environment variables
Default options to less
set E:LESS = "-i -R"
Use vim as the editor from the command line (although I am an Emacs fan, I still sometimes use vim for quick editing).
set E:EDITOR = "vim"
Locale setting.
set E:LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8"
set E:PKG_CONFIG_PATH = "/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"
Git repository summary
The git-summary
module allows displaying the git status of multiple repositories in a single list. I use it to keep track of the status of my commonly-used repos. I load the module as gs
to make it easier to call its functions.
use gs
Stop gitstatusd
from staying in the background, since it’s only used for this purpose.
set gs:stop-gitstatusd-after-use = $true
Customize the command used for finding git repos for git-summary:summary-status &all
, to ignore some uninteresting repos. List of directories to exclude is defined in $git-summary-repos-to-exclude
var git-summary-repos-to-exclude = ['.emacs.d*' .cargo Library/Caches Dropbox/Personal/devel/go/src]
var git-summary-fd-exclude-opts = [(each {|d| put -E $d } $git-summary-repos-to-exclude)]
set gs:find-all-user-repos-fn = {
fd -H -I -t d $@git-summary-fd-exclude-opts '^.git$' ~ | each $path:dir~
Utility functions
The util module includes various utility functions.
I use muesli’s git utilities module.
The update.elv package prints a message if there are new commits in Elvish after the running version.
set update:curl-timeout = 3
update:check-commit &verbose
Set up electric delimiters in the command line.
ASCII spinners and TTY escape code generation.
Work-specific stuff
I have a private library which contains some work-specific functions.
use work
- Related:
- How to easily create and use human-readable IDs in Org mode and Doom Emacs
- My Doom Emacs configuration, with commentary
- How to insert screenshots in Org documents on macOS
- Using and writing completions in Elvish
- Beautifying Org Mode in Emacs
- My Hammerspoon Configuration, With Commentary
- My Emacs Configuration, With Commentary
- Bang-Bang (!!, !$) Shell Shortcuts in Elvish