Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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tms [fernLightning] – Very cool command-line utility to explore Time Machine backups (tags: leopard macosx timemachine tools )

Prune Your Time Machine Backups Selectively – Nice pointer to a new version of GrandPerspective that properly displays usage in a Time Machine backup disk (tags: macosx timemachine tips tools )

Tales from the Loonybin – Demystifying Plugins – A Tutorial – Tutorial on how to write plugins for on OSX. Maybe useful some day… (tags: cocoa howto macosx plugins programming tutorial )

Bwana – I discovered this little gem of a utility today: essentially a handler for the "man:" url type, which pretty-formats the corresponding manual page and opens it in your web browser. Useful together with QuickSilver, you can for example type "man:ls", selec (tags: free macosx man opensource software tools unix )