Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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Linky no more

November 19th, 2008 · No Comments

For a long time, I have automatically posted my bookmarks, using the most excellent Postalicious Wordpress plugin. However, now that my FriendFeed feed is in the sidebar, this seems redundant. The FF feed includes not only the bookmarks, but a lot of other activity, such as my Google Reader shared items, additions to my [...]



WILTAC #4: Undo

November 19th, 2008 · No Comments

Today I learned how to add support for undo/redo operations using NSUndoManager. This was completely new to me, and I was surprised at how cleverly done it is – essentially, for every operation that you want to undo, you provide the “inverse” operation, and NSUndoManager takes care of keeping them in appropriate stacks for undo/redo, [...]


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