Welcome to the new zzamboni.org.
Over the years, my website has seen its fair share of transformations, change and breakage. For a few years now, it had stagnated - me with not having much time to update, and its accumulated technological cruft piling high enough to keep me from even touching it, lest I break something.
So, the time has come to do a reboot. With this post, I’m launching the new and reinvented zzamboni.org. Through previous incarnations I had always tried to preserve backwards compatibility in my URLs so people could still find my old stuff, but this has become too big a burden. I may add some things under their old location, and I may add over time some tools to make it easier to find the old stuff, but in general this won’t be a concern and I will not let it stop me from adding new content.
Over the years, the underlying technologies have changed (Wordpress, Posterous, Jekyll, Octopress, Enwrite). As a tech guy, I always enjoy playing with new toys. For now I have settled on using Hugo, a great static-website generator, using its Ananke theme. Hugo and Ananke are powerful and flexible to satisfy my needs, both current and future, as far as I can foresee them. The website continues to be hosted through the fantastic Github Pages. My website was hosted on Github Pages for many years, but it is now served by Netlify.
So this is it. For now the site is mostly empty, but new content will be appearing shortly, both new and ported from my old website. I have started adding posts from my previous blogs. Thanks to Hugo’s aliases
feature, most of them should be accessible still through their old URLs.
Please take a look around, and let me know if you find anything broken.