Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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Entries from February 2008

Year of the Killer Task Management App: Wrap Up | View from the Dock – A series of excellent, detailed reviews of GTD apps for the Mac, including iGTD, OmniFocus, Midnight Inbox and Things. I agree with Troy's veredict about the best one being Things. (tags: gtd mac productivity reviews software tools )

The evolution of task management (Things review)

February 24th, 2008 · 19 Comments

My history of task management applications…
Since I started using GTD a few years ago, I have used several applications for the computer-based side of my task management (which is where almost everything else eventually ends up). In chronological order, I have used:

The standard applications on my (aging) Palm device together with JPilot on the desktop [...]


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Bwana – I discovered this little gem of a utility today: essentially a handler for the "man:" url type, which pretty-formats the corresponding manual page and opens it in your web browser. Useful together with QuickSilver, you can for example type "man:ls", selec (tags: free macosx man opensource software tools unix )

Class-A network assignments – List of Class-A network assignments. (tags: internet networking reference )

eSolutionsData – made-up statistics – This could be really useful some day :-) (tags: Statistics cool fun spoof tools )

MacOS X 10.5.2 upgrade trouble

February 12th, 2008 · No Comments

I just finished upgrading my MacBook Pro to MacOS X 10.5.2, but it didn’t go as smoothly as other times. During the installation from Software Update, when “Writing files” was at 14% completion, I had a kernel panic. Since it was mid-write, I guess some files were left in an unusable state and the machine [...]



Google Transit includes Switzerland

February 11th, 2008 · 3 Comments

This is probably old news, but I just noticed that Google Transit has coverage for Switzerland, and it is now integrated with Google maps. This could be even handier to use than the native interfaces of the local public transport systems. It has both train and bus information, although it doesn’t seem to know about [...]



alex dragulescu :: dynamic for the people – Interesting artistic visualizations of malware, spam and other nasties, generated from automated analysis of their characteristics. (tags: art cool malware security visualization )

KDD Cup '99 dataset (Network Intrusion) considered harmful (KDnuggets News 07:18, item 4, Features) – Good summary (with references) of the deficiencies of the DARPA/LL intrusion detection dataset, from which the KDD'99 data set was also derived. (tags: datasets ids intrusion-detection kdd machinelearning )
Peter Callesen – Really impressive works of art (I particularly like the paper cuts, but there are other things there as well) (tags: art cool creativity interesting papercraft performance pictures sculpture )