Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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Entries from July 2006

The all-out nuclear war USB hub: I want one of these. (0)

Life of a space shuttle booster rocket: very cool silent video, from takeoff to recovery. Comments Off

25 Great Calvin & Hobbes Strips @ Progressive Boink: I’m a big fan of Calvin and Hobbes, and this is a good selection of strips. I thought I had read all of the C&H books, but I found a couple here (”We’re here to devour each other alive” and “Heeryor lunboks. Hoffa gut tay askool”) that I hadn’t seen before… (0)

Eliminating duplicate contacts in Evolution (HowTo)

July 9th, 2006 · 27 Comments

This had been bothering me for a while. Due mostly to artifacts in synchronizing with my PalmOS device, a large number of duplicates had accumulated in my Evolution addressbook. Today I put together this short script to eliminate them. It’s crude, but it sort of works.
Standard disclaimer applies: use at your own risk, backup your [...]


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