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Tweets for 2020-10

  1. …in reply to @vince2_
    @vince2_ @tapoueh I switched from my hand-maintained config to Doom a few weeks ago, using regular Emacs keybindings. Works great! Highly recommended. My config if you want an example: github.com/zzamboni/dot-doom/blob/master/doom.org
  2. New blog post: My Doom Emacs configuration, with commentary zzamboni.org/post/my-doom-emacs-configuration-with-commentary/ #emacs #doom #orgmode
  3. This month I completed the #Hacktoberfest challenge. It's not too late to leave your mark! Click below to get started: hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com
  4. A new release of my book "Literate Configuration" is out, including my Doom Emacs config and many other improvements. Check it out at @leanpub! leanpub.com/lit-config #doomemacs