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Tweets for 2020-08

  1. In case you didn't know: your @github profile README can also be an Org-mode file, or any other supported format (I tested RST). Example: github.com/zzamboni - one tiny bug: regardless of the format, the filename is shown as "README.md"
  2. I've been a happy Netlify user since 2017 for hosting my websites. In celebration of them welcoming 1 million developers, I found my unique spot: I'm number #92,382! You can find yours too: million-devs.netlify.com/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=tweet&utm_campaign=1mdevs via @Netlify
  3. RT @tswicegood: Came across Espanso from @terzi_federico a week (or more, less? What is time?) ago and took a few minutes to install and co…
  4. All-my-books bundle is on sale this week at @leanpub - get them now at a great price - Includes @LearningCF3, Learning @_hammerspoon and more! Diego’s Books [Bundle] - Suggested Price: $54.97, Coupon Price: $17.50 leanpub.com/b/diego/c/LeanpubWeeklySale2020Aug05
  5. …in reply to @rands
    @rands In case it's useful: my Ansible setup for configuring new Macs, including scripts for populating the config variables from a running system: gitlab.com/zzamboni/mac-setup
  6. New blog post: How to insert screenshots in Org documents on macOS: zzamboni.org/post/how-to-insert-screenshots-in-org-documents-on-macos/ @emacs @orgmode_bot
  7. I released today a new version of my book "Learning @_hammerspoon" at @leanpub. To celebrate its release, you can get it until the end of August at a great price using this coupon: leanpub.com/learning-hammerspoon/c/August2020Release - Get it now!
  8. RT @splattne: The Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator, a British product from the 1920s, is a scroll-map navigator in the shape of a watch.…
  9. …in reply to @juliaferraioli