Tweets for 2019-11
@serveleadcoach @audible_com Some I have enjoyed: The Martian, Ender's Game, The Day of the Jackal
RT @markburgess_osl: Warms my heart a little to know that two of the largest internet giants still run all their systems on @cfengine -- hu…
@audible_com "Pandora's Star" by Peter F. Hamilton
Check out my new book, available now on @leanpub! @leanpub/1196536727751409664
RT @bitandbang: Can you do me a favor? If you use or like and open-source project that has a Twitter account, would you share it’s handle?…
@bitfield I used Fish for years, but found @RealElvishShell and haven't looked back. Sane functional language, structured data pipelines, awesome interactive features - check it out!
RT @ilya_sher_prog: @bitfield You can be content with small incremental changes and continue suffering or you can help building Next Genera…
RT @LearningCF3: "Learning @cfengine" is part of @leanpub's Black Friday sale. Get it at a great price today! Suggested Price: $20.00, Coup…
My book "Learning @_hammerspoon" is ALSO part of @leanpub's Black Friday sale. Get it at a great price today! Suggested Price: $15.00, Coupon Price: $7.00
I just released a new version of my book "Learning @_hammerspoon" - get it now! A brand new chapter "Exploring the Hammerspoon API", plus many other updates. Get it at a fantastic discount as part of @leanpub's Black Friday sale!