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Tweets for 2019-05

  1. Both my books are in the Leanpub Weekly sale. Get them now! Learning @cfengine - Suggested Price: $20.00, Coupon Price: $5.00 leanpub.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d9dae16c3f9f533e6c9e48efb&id=eb600c596f&e=f586824710 Learning @_hammerspoon - Suggested Price: $15.00, Coupon Price: $4.99 leanpub.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d9dae16c3f9f533e6c9e48efb&id=f0a1b38e8f&e=f586824710
  2. RT @cmdln_: @zzamboni talks about publishing, cfengine and orgmode buff.ly/2HkvDjz
  3. …in reply to @z3ndrag0n
    @z3ndrag0n Thanks for your support! Hope you like them - feedback very welcome!