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Tweets for 2018-05

  1. RT @kaushalmodi: Nice write-up on "why ox-hugo?" by @zzamboni @bzg2/991233929846972416
  2. RT @Rainmaker1973: The Right Pointing Arrow spins 180 degrees and it still points to the right. Only in a mirror will it point left (and on…
  3. RT @waxpancake: This stunning illustration by @cyanharlow is pure HTML/CSS. Every element was typed by hand, drawing with only a text edito…
  4. Are you passionate about systems engineering, design and operation? We are looking for such a person to join my team at Swisscom. Check out the details and apply here: jobs.swisscom.ch/professionals/offene-stellen/berufserfahrene/senior-systems-engineer/7d36479a-c1eb-497a-a4e9-ee924a2804fe
  5. Awesome! Definitely will give it a try @alf147/992425961105879040
  6. …in reply to @AlecMuffett
    @AlecMuffett Alec, I'm curious: Which password manager do you use?
  7. …in reply to @cmdln_
    @cmdln_ Wow! Cool, I feel honored :)
  8. …in reply to @AlecMuffett
    @AlecMuffett Agree - I use 1P as well - no need to duplicate passwords.
  9. RT @DerrenBrown: I’ve been a fan of this guy for a while - he makes extraordinary Rube Goldberg machines with a level of wit that elevates…
  10. …in reply to @rands
    @rands @1Password I got some strange effects at the beginning until I manually uninstalled 1P6. Best not to have both installed at the same time (e.g. Chrome was running the 1p6 extension).
  11. …in reply to @audible_com
    @audible_com Pandora's Star + Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton
  12. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux Nice - would you recommend the Go Code Clinic?