Tweets for 2018-03
RT @AlecMuffett: PASSWORD SECURITY IS COUNTERINTUITIVE: "Your password must be 8 characters & contain upper, lower, digit & punctuation cha…
@audible_com Finished "The Day of the Jackal" by Frederick Forsyth, now listening to Andy Weir's "The Martian". Both are great, have listened to them multiple times already!
RT @R_Rissmann: Stephen Hawking, author of 'A Brief History of Time,' dies at 76
RT @TheSpaceGal: Advice: "One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning…
RT @sleepycal: So this is what happens when your 3yo realises you forgot to lock the server cabinet. He was so impressed with his work, he…
New blog post: Beautifying Org Mode in Emacs
@cmdln_ Of course, as the main instigator of my journey into org-mode ;)