Tweets for 2018-02
Just watched the #FalconHeavy launch live with my kids. Amazing! I got goosebumps when the side cores landed perfectly simultaneously. @spacex/960980119312453632
RT @genmon: Don’t mind admitting there were tears in my eyes at this bit @wiredscience/960980409172615168
RT @Swisscom_Dev: Congrats, Jörg Wagner! @cloudfoundry/960949314716549120
RT @tds153: Terrible day. Parked my red Tesla convertible outside Cape Canaveral Space Center and I’m pretty sure it’s been towed.
RT @SPACEdotcom: How amazing is this? Watch @SpaceX nail the landing with the #FalconHeavy boosters!…
RT @_hammerspoon: Just released 0.9.60 -
Finally! Chapter 4 of “Learning @cfengine 3” is now online:
@rands Made some changes today, learned about in this thread. I'm also very selective of what goes on my first screen.
RT @helenhousandi: I've watched this GIF at least 100 times now, cry-laughing the entire time.