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Tweets for 2017-12

  1. …in reply to @PaulDJohnston
    @PaulDJohnston Privacy-wise, this is the best IMO: amzn.to/2ijeNpe (also the gold looks super cool), but gets damaged with repeated removal. I currently use amzn.to/2ifg3cN, not so opaque but very easy to remove.
  2. New blog post: Bang-Bang (!!, !$) Shell Shortcuts in Elvish zzamboni.org/post/bang-bang---shell-shortcuts-in-elvish/ /cc @RealElvishShell
  3. RT @RealElvishShell: Unleash the power of Elvish by programming it. @zzamboni/937795442926080002
  4. RT @simongerman600: This is hands down the best #dog #infographic in the history of the internet. Read the legend. Smart dogs face right wh…
  5. New blog post: My @emacs Configuration, With Commentary zzamboni.org/post/my-emacs-configuration-with-commentary/
  6. And, with that last writeup, I come to a 200-day streak on @750words!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. …in reply to @padresj
    @padresj Jumpman!
  8. RT @wendynather: Yup, @TheRealSpaf needs much more credit for the warnings he gave but we didn't listen to. @thegrugq/943859179608879104
  9. RT @bradmeltzer: Gingerbread Imperial Star Destroyer by Lars and Markus Winnansson. I dare you to beat it, @twitter.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API