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Tweets for 2017-11

  1. RT @iamdevloper: 1969: -what're you doing with that 2KB of RAM? -sending people to the moon 2017: -what're you doing with that 1.5GB of RA…
  2. RT @scott_kerr: Still, the greatest tourism poster ever made
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. RT @bitfield: "Hauptversionsnummernerhöhungsangst: the fear of increasing the major version number." @seldo/915982906719211521
  4. …in reply to @solomonstre
    @solomonstre I use Mail.app on the Mac and Spark on iOS
  5. …in reply to @undefined
    @M_R_Lozez POKE53281,0:POKE53280,0:PRINT”<ctrl-8>” References: c64-wiki.com/wiki/53280 c64-wiki.com/wiki/53281 c64-wiki.com/wiki/Color
  6. RT @GAMERZLTD: Got to love the Commodore 128 #commodore #commodore128 #RETROGAMING
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. New blog post: My Elvish Configuration With Commentary zzamboni.org/post/my-elvish-configuration-with-commentary/ /cc @RealElvishShell
  8. …in reply to @PaulDJohnston
    @PaulDJohnston I use Evernote for most things, OneNote for meeting notes, etc. at work since it's the agreed standard
  9. The memories! And the hours and hours spent playing it :) @lord_arse/933372174236377089
  10. …in reply to @solomonstre
    @solomonstre Yes! I had the whole collection but in Spanish. " Los Señordones" (not my image)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. RT @jsnell: <reads another complaint about there being too many subscription apps, websites, and streaming services> Back in the day there…