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Tweets for 2017-08

  1. New post: Getting Started With Hammerspoon zzamboni.org/post/getting-started-with-hammerspoon
  2. …in reply to @n8henrie
    @n8henrie @_hammerspoon You need to do that at the shell level. I used to do it with fish using github.com/zzamboni/plugin-autoproxy, now I use Elvish: github.com/zzamboni/vcsh_elvish/blob/master/.elvish/rc.elv#L32-L39
  3. RT @LearningCF3: It has finally happened: a new release of “Learning @cfengine 3” is here! cf-learn.info/post/new-release-of-learning-cfengine-3/ #sysadmin #devops
  4. @750words One more month!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API