Tweets for 2016-12
RT @TheRealSpaf: Well-renowned Purdue professor receives award for contributions
@TheRealSpaf Congratulations Spaf!
@markburgess_osl backed up how? Maybe accessible through iCloud Drive?
@markburgess_osl how about opening it from within the app that created it? (Not sure if it will make a difference, just random idea)
RT @iamdevloper: 10 Things You’ll Find Shocking About Asynchronous Operations: 3. 2. 7. 4. 6. 1. 9. 10. 5. 8.
RT @manueldietrich: Here we go! #CloudFoundry #Google @cloudfoundry/809443839337525248
Year-End Clojure Book Giveaway (disclaimer: by signing up through this URL you help my chances to win)
RT @TheRealSpaf: If your kid stops believing in Santa this year... This is wonderful.
RT @mhochm: Top programming languages most popular in 2017 #java #javascript #python #golang #PYPL by @HackerEarth…
RT @IanMcKellen: 13 years ago today, December 17, 2003, "The Return of the King" opened in cinemas worldwide. I hope you enjoyed it! https:…
RT @TheRealSpaf: Similar to the banks of the Wabash
RT @TheRealSpaf: Just like West Lafayette....
RT @brontolinux: A big thank you to those who work in public transportation, who spend their #Christmas away from their families so that w…
RT @TheRealSpaf: Carrie Fisher, Star Wars actress, dies aged 60 Damn you 2016!
RT @ProfTomCrick: Great thread: @anne_theriault/813808116236226565
RT @HamillHimself: no words #Devastated
@ThatEricAlper sys64738