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Tweets for 2015-10

  1. RT @SpaceflightNow: LIFTOFF of the 100th United Launch Alliance flight and the #Morelos3 satellite to bridge the digital divide in Mexico h…
  2. RT @Swisscom_Dev: Just fired starting gun for developers. Application Cloud, a #PaaS, based on #Cloudfoundry: developer.swisscom.com http:…
  3. How had I never heard of @_hammerspoon? Looks really cool and crazy powerful. Trying it now.
  4. @_hammerspoon == awesome. Replaced Spectacle (at least the shortcuts I use the most) with 40 lines of Lua config.
  5. OK, this is old news for most of you, but it still blew my mind: zzamboni.org/new/blog/clicking-on-the-macbook-pro-is-entirely-artificial/ /ht @jsnell
  6. …in reply to @wickett
    One of my favorite quotes RT @wickett @matt_tesauro: #LASCON keynote @markburgess_osl @petecheslock #truth
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. Going to the Cloud Foundry Summit Berlin? Join our talk "Running Cloud Foundry @ Swisscom" sched.co/4Oih #CFSummit @Swisscom_Dev