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Tweets for 2015-09

  1. RT @LearningCF3: Save 50-60% on @LearningCF3 and All @OReillyMedia Video Training & Ebooks - Back to (Tech) School Sale http://t.co/Gkq3ACt…
  2. Congrats @LibraryThing for 10 years! I only now realized I've been a member almost from the beginning :) librarything.com/profile/zzamboni/stats/badges
  3. RT @LearningCF3: So Long, "Send-to-Kindle"-Today only: Your final sync. Stock up on ebooks-all 50% off, incl. @LearningCF3! http://t.co/x3x…
  4. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux I *knew* you'd ask ;) Sorry it's taken longer than expected, I hope to get it out before 3.8 is out :)