Tweets for 2015-05
RT @TheRealSpaf: 2of3: Best of times are when a former student tells me I changed her outlook or career trajectory for the better, or that …
"The plane I'm taking to London is a flying Solaris workstation" by @doctorow #cfsummit
RT @TheRealSpaf: The thrill is gone. b. B. King, Defining Bluesman for Generations, Dies at 89 -…
As a tribute, I've been listening to this all day today #BBKing ♫
@funkatron Sorry to hear that, hope everything is (or gets) ok
Arrived in Vancouver for the #OpenStackSummit. Looking forward to it!
RT @donohoe: Comprehensive map of all countries in the world that use the MMDDYYYY format
RT @CiudadyPoderQ: RT si sabes qué relación hay entre estos objetos. Fav si no tienes idea #ochentas #DiaDelInternet #Querétaro…
RT @LearningCF3: Finally, an update about “Learning CFEngine 3”!
Interesting OpenStack project: Magnum for container management #OpenStackSummit