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Tweets for 2015-03

  1. RT @jack: Hola México! square.com.mx/
  2. RT @cfengine: @jruels lucky you! Try @LearningCF3, it's an excellent book by @zzamboni. Otherwise we have some resources at http://t.co/Ds2…
  3. …in reply to @postachio
    @postachio I didn't receive any coupon. Should I have gotten it by email, as per your blog post?
  4. …in reply to @postachio
    @postachio Definitely not above what Evernote costs. $4-5/month sounded reasonable, though I was waiting to see more stability and features.
  5. @CFE_Bajio llevamos ya 7 HORAS sin luz en Cumbres del Lago, Querétaro. En 071 “el sistema no responde” así que ni siquiera para reportarlo.
  6. RT @zzamboni: @CFE_Bajio llevamos ya 7 HORAS sin luz en Cumbres del Lago, Querétaro. En 071 “el sistema no responde” /cc @JURIQUILLA
  7. @CiudadyPoderQ @qromunicipio en Cumbres del Lago llevamos ya más de 8 horas sin luz, @CFE_Bajio no responde, favor de canalizar
  8. How things change. In 6 years, @evernote has gone from "not nice" to "can't live without it" timehop.com/c/t:1360254763:2730941:8091916:211cc
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. …in reply to @kamihack
    @kamihack Yes. You can export as HTML or ENEX (which is basically XML and includes all the media, tags, etc.)
  10. This is great playlist /ht @byllc ♫ Apple Commercial Songs John Fox spoti.fi/1gwmSi9
  11. Discovered this little gem yesterday: chungwasoft.com/face2face/
  12. Every TV news report on the economy kottke.org/15/03/every-tv-news-report-on-the-economy #notnews #feedly
  13. Kudos to Tim Cook and Apple for taking a stance on this: Pro-discrimination ‘religious freedom’ laws are dangerous wapo.st/1a8OCvt