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Tweets for 2014-12

  1. RT @LearningCF3: There's still time! 50-60% off on @LearningCF3 & ALL ebooks on @OReillyMedia #CyberMonday until Dec 2nd at http://t.co/bid…
  2. Birthday present from my wife and girls. They know me so well, I love it! :)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. …in reply to @neil_h_watson
    @neil_h_watson Thanks Neil!
  4. …in reply to @undefined
    @sebitas Gracias Sebastián! Un abrazo.
  5. Join us for the #CFEngine Coffee Hour hangout right now: goo.gl/R7qCGm #sysadmin #DevOps
  6. RT @cfengine: Join the CFEngine Office hour now: goo.gl/R7qCGm
  7. I just got a score of 323 in Ninjump Deluxe, a game by Backflip Studios!
  8. @Namecheap did your DNS servers have a hiccup? I had failing queries on my domains for a few minutes, seems to be back now.
  9. …in reply to @Namecheap
    @Namecheap Thanks, sorry to hear that. Seems to be working well now.
  10. …in reply to @undefined
    @jeffsussna I've been using odrive, I don't think it's better but at least handles multiple google accounts nicely.
  11. …in reply to @juliamak
    @juliamak I haven't had any issues, Odrive works well. Only weirdness is those .cloudx files you get instead of dirs until you click on them
  12. RT @TheRealSpaf: It's been 10 years since 'Numa Numa' hit the Internet some.ly/1u9JhXq Yes, you're getting old (No, really: http:…
  13. RT @thinkgeek: Today in Geek History: Happy Birthday, Grace Hopper! This pioneer in computer science was born in 1906. http://t.co/J6EKw4lv…
  14. Had a great evening of catching up with @TheRealSpaf, @bauxring and Christoph. It had been too many years :)
  15. …in reply to @mubix
    @mubix @postachio Yes, please bring them back.
  16. RT @ZachWigal: People in Michigan watching Californians tweet about #BayAreaStorm are like:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  17. RT @LifeAtPurdue: Congratulations to everyone who got accepted into the Purdue Class of 2019! #BoilerUp #OnlyPurdue instagram.com/p/whf9MJy-Uc/
  18. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux @LearningCF3 LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU ;)
  19. …in reply to @neil_h_watson
    @neil_h_watson @cfengine Fully agree. Spoiler alert: 4th ed of @LearningCF3 will include a new chapter on frameworks :)
  20. …in reply to @brontolinux
  21. Congrats @mitchellh @armon on the Atlas release and announcement! hashicorp.com/blog/atlas.html
  22. …in reply to @khushil
    @khushil Which one?
  23. Our new grill, and it arrived on a great day for a BBQ :)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API