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Tweets for 2014-11

  1. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux @alvagante I quite enjoyed it - I've been meaning to write about it, maybe I should :)
  2. …in reply to @standaloneSA
    @standaloneSA Oh wow Matt, that's awesome, congrats! Looking forward to reading your space-related stuff.
  3. …in reply to @flyosity
    @flyosity because… It’s a to-do list manager? ;)
  4. …in reply to @zzamboni
    @flyosity I should clarify I was being sarcastic. I don’t like Asana either.
  5. Not sure since when, but my @evernote allownce is now 4GB. I normally don't use as much, but good to know I could :)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. …in reply to @postachio
    @postachio Definitely Github, but should have kept the old one until you had all the themes available on github for forking.
  7. RT @CatherineQ: Live coverage of the return to Earth of Soyuz TMA-13M and crew now: (touchdown at 10:58 pm) spaceflightnow.com/2014/11/09/exp-41-landing-mission-status-center/
  8. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux Slides/recording somewhere?
  9. RT @ESA_Rosetta: .@Philae2014’s first postcard just after separation – it’s of me! #CometLanding Credit: ESA/Rosetta/Philae/CIVA http://…
  10. RT @ESA_Rosetta: I see you too @Philae2014! Here you are in my OSIRIS camera - legs out! #CometLanding
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. RT @BadAstronomer: xkcd is covering the Philae #cometlanding with auto updates. xkcd.com/1446/ Each panel is collected here: http:/…
  12. If you are not watching the #CometLanding, what are you waiting for? nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html - Go @Philae2014!
  13. RT @acedtect: Why doesn't humanity do amazing things anymore? Oh wait look! rosetta.esa.int/?landing We're landing a robot on a comet. Human…
  14. RT @BadAstronomer: At 16:02 UTC November 12, 2014, we reached out and grasped a comet. slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/11/12/rosetta_and_philae_watch_the_lander_set_down_on_a_comet.html #cometlanding #Philae
  15. RT @BreakingNews: ESA's Rosetta probe makes touchdown on Comet 67P; 1st time a spacecraft has landed on a comet - @Philae2014 http://t.co/o…
  16. RT @BadAstronomer: The harpoons fired, the winches worked, and #PHILAE IS ON THE COMET. #cometlanding #humans
  17. RT @BadAstronomer: I am sitting in my office on Earth, heart in throat & tears in my eyes. This is an amazing, astonishing, and inspiring m…
  18. …in reply to @BadAstronomer
    @BadAstronomer My feelings exactly.
  19. RT @markburgess_osl: Space history made, check.
  20. What an amazing, incredible feat. History being made, and we can watch live. What amazing times we live in #CometLanding
  21. RT @shwood: If you want to wrap your mind around how wicked-complicated this orbital trajectory was, check this out: https://t.co/14sjEYqDo…
  22. @postachio Any updates on Dropbox/Pocket syncing?
  23. …in reply to @neil_h_watson
    @neil_h_watson Well, within the constraints of the speed of light ;)
  24. …in reply to @undefined
    @saintaardvark I wish I could be there. Please say Hi to @tzlatanov for me :)
  25. …in reply to @thegadgeteer
    @thegadgeteer Fav quote "Some ppl need to man up or put [it] in a big, thick case to protect their little pinkies from the sound vibrations"
  26. RT @thegadgeteer: posted: Apple iPad Air 2 review: I always get excited when Apple announces new products, but I’ll admit the la... http://…
  27. RT @johndoerr: Google Lifts the Turing Award Into Nobel Territory flip.it/Io1Wj
  28. RT @iamdevloper: Thinking of forming a boy band with other developers... We'll call it *RSYNC.
  29. In Celebration of @velocityconf Barcelona - Save 50% on @LearningCF3 and other Monitoring & Automation Ebooks oreil.ly/1uzjzjk
  30. This might actually make me try Spotlight full time instead of Quicksilver: flashlight.nateparrott.com
  31. …in reply to @mitchellh
    @mitchellh Looking forward to it.
  32. @lyft Any chance to make your app available in Intl app stores? I live in Mexico, but would be nice to have it when I travel in the U.S.
  33. …in reply to @lyft
    @lyft Too bad - international users could still benefit from it, even if the service is not available outside the U.S., while traveling here
  34. RT @LearningCF3: There's still time! Get 50% off @LearningCF3 and other @OReillyMedia ebooks and videos until Nov 22 oreil.ly/1uzjzjk
  35. …in reply to @BadAstronomer
    @BadAstronomer Drum stick?
  36. RT @Veronica: What's yours? ow.ly/EDpCQ
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  37. RT @culturedcode: Apple is promoting Things for iPhone and iPad as their Free App of the Week. Mac is 30% off. culturedcode.com/things/blog/ http…
  38. #followfriday @tboettjer @byllc @ulsabu
  39. …in reply to @MattGoldich
    @MattGoldich: Shouldn't have ordered this Buffalo chicken sandwich. It's just a regular chicken sandwich under 9 feet of snow.” /cc @byllc
  40. @zendoneapp Any updates wrt new versions? 1.0.7 is 10 months old now, last update on your blog is from March.
  41. …in reply to @Documentally
    @Documentally So sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
  42. …in reply to @undefined
    @zendoneapp thanks for the replies. I look forward to it! Any timeline for the next version?
  43. …in reply to @standaloneSA
    @standaloneSA Evidently you've never attended one of @TheRealSpaf's defenses ;)
  44. …in reply to @Storagezilla
    Any parent will agree :) RT @Storagezilla: Your fire walk is weak Kung Fu bullshit. This is for the hardcore... @Storagezilla/536692268519153664/photo/1
  45. …in reply to @Jason
    @Jason Worse than automatic "thanks for follow" DMs: automatic TFF public messages with typos
  46. …in reply to @matthew_d_green
    @matthew_d_green Or just add his fingerprint to your phone already :)
  47. …in reply to @rickygervais
    Oh wow. WTF. RT @rickygervais: The most revolting thing you'll read today
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  48. @postachio any ETA on getting Pocket and Dropbox integration back?
  49. @CFE_Bajio apagón en Cumbres del Lago, Querétaro desde hace 90 minutos. 071 dice “el sistema no responde” y corta la llamada
  50. RT @LearningCF3: Save 50-60% on @LearningCF3 & ALL video training & ebooks on @OReillyMedia #CyberMonday until Dec 2nd at http://t.co/biddH…
  51. RT @boredzo: This is really cool. Completely disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling an engine: boingboing.net/2014/11/28/watch-this-guy-strip-down-and.html /via @catfish_man