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Tweets for 2014-08

  1. RT @spolsky: @paddycosgrave when I see a machine that can fold a load of laundry I'll buy that
  2. I should've done this xkcd.com/1403/ /cc @TheRealSpaf ;)
  3. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf Maybe that's *why* it would've worked!
  4. …in reply to @wendynather
    @451wendy I am really sorry for your loss, Wendy.
  5. I'm listening to @scottsigler's "Ancestor" these days. It was "Infected" before that. Good stuff!
  6. RT @Espngreeny: Robin Williams was great in the movies. But if you're not old enough to remember "Mork And Mindy," you didn't see him at hi…
  7. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails & combine the rest into a single daily digest with @Unrollme. unroll.me/?t2bM1wsB
  8. …in reply to @NbtoAguilar
    Wow “@NbtoAguilar: @CiudadyPoderQ Y quedo inundada Plaza del parque 😁 ”
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. …in reply to @myrcurial
    @myrcurial Hope things are (or get) OK.
  10. @chronomateapp Can I use the app with more than one Freshbooks account?
  11. …in reply to @jaredmcfarland
    @jaredmcfarland @mailboxapp me too! Looks slick, but haven’t played too much with it yet
  12. RT @mikko: Fun fact: The Atari 2600 had 128 bytes of RAM. You could fit all of it…in one tweet.
  13. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @codinghorror @geekgrrl 1. The X-Files 2. Cocktail 3. 187 4. The Hobbit (mostly "Misty Mountains Cold")
  14. …in reply to @BadAstronomer
    @BadAstronomer @Slate I hope they would include-images-in-the-feed fix it too.
  15. RT @LearningCF3: RT @OReillyMedia: Save 50% on @LearningCF3 and All Ebooks - Back to (Tech) School Sale oreil.ly/1zcxeLi 8000+ titles…
  16. These guys are insane, but what amazing photos: ontheroofs.com/hong-kong-2/
  17. RT @chrislhayes: How many incidents are there like this that are not caught on tape? Or never released? 7online.com/archive/9440401/
  18. RT @stack72: If you threaten people in the community over their hard work, you are an asshole. sethvargo.com/leaving-chef/ #Sad
  19. …in reply to @kottke
    Very interesting - RT @kottke: Sushi master Naomichi Yasuda on how to eat sushi kottke.org/14/08/how-to-eat-sushi
  20. RT @mattgemmell: If you missed it earlier, my Kindle book of essays is FREE today! Grab a copy, and please leave an Amazon review: http://t…
  21. …in reply to @cshl1
    Surprising indeed! RT @cshl1: Surprisingly, Perl outperforms sed and awk zite.to/1q83myU
  22. RT @mikko: Imagine a rack-mounted server joylessly playing videogames and taking screenshots. ascii.textfiles.com/archives/4306 @textfiles http://t.co…