zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2014-04

  1. systems are running datacenter happiness thanks CFEngine #cfhaiku
  2. the sound of quiet correct fluid behavior I can now play quake #cfhaiku @cfengine
  3. RT @cfengine: Want to win some prizes? Enter the CFEngine haiku contest for a chance to win Amazon gift cards ow.ly/vfntn #cfha…
  4. summer is coming best enjoyed outside automate all the things #cfhaiku @cfengine
  5. RT @cmdln_: Certainty searching Imperative design Alas no spoon found #cfhaiku @cfengine
  6. RT @cmdln_: Enable business Sketchify your policies Design Center lives #cfhaiku @cfengine
  7. This is pretty cool - the mind-boggling scale of space: joshworth.com/dev/pixelspace/pixelspace_solarsystem.html
  8. I've been playing with vagrant share today. Really cool! /cc @mitchellh
  9. RT @brontolinux: #git repository and deployment procedures for #CFEngine policies syslog.me/2014/04/07/git-repository-and-deployment-procedures-for-cfengine-policies/ #sysadmin #devops
  10. Docs and examples for the Vagrant @cfengine Provisioner are now merged! github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/pull/3409 and github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/pull/3410 Thx @mitchellh
  11. RT @markburgess_osl: Scientists enjoy being wrong more than being right, because that is an opportunity to learn something new.
  12. RT @Dropbox: We're all pretty hooked on 2048, so the @dropboxapi team made a version that saves your progress and high scores: https://t.co…
  13. RT @Dropbox: What a day! We're excited to be starting a new chapter: bit.ly/1eaOoEC
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. RT @cfengine: Heartbleed Security Update for CFEngine Users and Customers cfengine.com/blog/cfengine-and-heartbleed
  15. RT @SWatercolour: The Elemelons
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. RT @markburgess_osl: New blog: The Making of a Software Wind-Tunnel (pt 1) markburgess.org/blog_windtunnel.html
  17. RT @cfengine: How CFEngine can help you recover from Heartbleed: cfengine.com/blog/fixing-heartbleed-with-cfengine #security #sysadmin #heartbleed
  18. Head over to MacHeist to get $1,786 in Apple Design Award winning Mac apps for just $20! And a free copy of Scapple! macheist.com
  19. RT @cmdln_: On the beach I sit Cfengine at the helm Relaxed no worries #cfhaiku @cfengine
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. RT @markburgess_osl: CFEngine vagrant provisioner finally documented online docs.vagrantup.com/v2/provisioning/cfengine.html
  21. …in reply to @undefined
    @jeffsussna @markburgess_osl We have this: cfengine.com/cfengine-enterprise-getting-started-using-vagrant but doesn't come with many examples. We are working on that :)
  22. RT @BadAstronomer: Wow, another big article handing Jenny McCarthy her head for claiming she’s not anti-vax. nytimes.com/2014/04/22/opinion/bruni-autism-and-the-agitator.html?_r=2
  23. Join @jonathan_thorpe, myself and others from @cfengine in our first-ever Community Hangout! Apr 24th, 8am PST: plus.google.com/u/1/events/c3ftn7atepj5ce22d7o3fgeanqs
  24. …in reply to @undefined
    @filler We mention it all the time! CFEngine clients can work fine on their own /cc @markburgess_osl
  25. We are starting the 1st @cfengine Community hangout in 20 minutes. Join us! plus.google.com/u/1/events/c3ftn7atepj5ce22d7o3fgeanqs
  26. @postachio Feature request: enable/disable Markdown per post (e.g. "markdown"/"nomarkdown" tags) apart from the global setting. Thoughts?
  27. …in reply to @khushil
    @khushil Not in the current packages. You don't have to use it though - nothing comes "enabled" by default, you just use it if you want
  28. …in reply to @khushil
    @khushil The DC is actually a very nice set of content and tools by now, maybe worth another look?
  29. RT @TheRealSpaf: This should appeal to your inner vandal: gespringbreakit.tumblr.com
  30. RT @rwaldron: This isn’t getting nearly as much attention as it should: github.com/blog/1826-follow-up-to-the-investigation-results
  31. Dream (Nightmare?) team: Doomsday /cc @InjusticeGame
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  32. …in reply to @harrymccracken
    Here's to BASIC, which taught me to program and forever changed my life: ti.me/1nieDMf /ht @harrymccracken