Tweets for 2014-02
@LinkedIn I *have* the app, your website should give me the option to open it instead of asking me to get it whenever I visit from iOS
@AnnA_ken_ Sorry, couldn't make it. Hope it was a good event!
RT @m_kumar_1: Hot off the press - Promise Theory: Principles and Applications by Mark Burgess, Jan Bergstra. @markburgess_osl…
RT @cmdln_: RT @cfengine: It's not yet Halloween but @cmdln_ fights zombies with @cfengine scripts. Read more
RT @TheTweetOfGod: Actual birds go extinct all the time and no one cares but Flappy Bird goes extinct and holy shit, let's all panic.
RT @iamdevloper: I've been using Vim for about 2 years now, mostly because I can't figure out how to exit it.
@jonathan_thorpe Happy to have you here!
RT @cfengine: Agent @markburgess_osl on a mission in California - broadcast the @cfengine word to the world!
:) RT @cfengine: The moment you have to pick between puppet and chef via @devopsreactions
RT @OReillyMedia: Deal/Day: Save 50% - Celebrate Steve Jobs and All Things Apple - 400+ Apple ebooks and videos on sale…
RT @cfengine: Join the @cfengine the team! We are hiring a senior product manager. Details at
RT @milesobrien: "Just a Flesh Wound"
RT @cfengine: Engaging with the community at Scale 12x - new post in our blog. Welcome @jonathan_thorpe our new community manager! http://t…
RT @cfengine: Officially welcoming George Moberly to our executive team as Head of Technical Field Operations
RT @cfengine: Read why customers are saying that @cfengine's ability to support org changes and new processes has been so valuable http://t…
RT @cfengine: Do you want to recognize an outstanding #CFEngine community member? Nominate him or her for champion: