Tweets for 2013-10
@fraserspeirs Interesting - I've just been experimenting moving from Things to Evernote for GTD. What (mainly) made you switch back?
@pragprog Apart from everything your books have taught me, PragProWriMo got me started in writing my own book @LearningCF3
RT @yb007: come and join @markburgess_osl in @cfengine NYC meetup on Oct 15 great guest speakers
RT @brontolinux: Managing apt preferences with #CFEngine #sysadmin #Debian #Linux #linuxmint #ubuntu
RT @markburgess_osl: Anyone have cfengine 2 configurations they would like converted into 3? I am looking for test cases ...
Job opportunity: Community Manager at CFEngine, Inc. - San Francisco Bay Area #jobs
RT @jamesob: The deck from @_LR_'s awesome infrastructure talk is up. Steal his funny pictures! /cc @cfengine #ops
RT @cfengine: We were inducted into the JP Morgan Chase Hall of Innovation! What an extroardinary achievement. Check out our blog http://t.…
@JacobyDave …in the U.S.! In Mexico it's basically worthless. I re-sub every few months to see if improves, so far it hasn't, unsub again
@JacobyDave No content. Mostly older movies and TV series (and a few new ones, but not enough). Connection speed is fine /cc @netflix
@troubalex There isn't when it's your own kid :)
@JacobyDave When I travel in the U.S. my account gives me access to the catalog there. Blown away by the amount of stuff available there.
@JacobyDave I'm sure it's the studios. I could find a proxy, but probably hard to configure on my AppleTV :)
@cfengine Thanks!
I'm so happy about this :) RT @LearningCF3: Third release of "Learning CFEngine 3" is out #cfengine #sysadmin #devops
RT @atsaloli: Yes! 3rd edition of "Learning CFEngine 3" finally hits the shelves! Thank you @zzamboni and @OReillyMedia.…
RT @markburgess_osl: Come on America, must you superheat coffee and then warn me it's dangerous? It tastes awful too.
Very interesting idea: phonebloks - a phone worth keeping by @davehakkens #phonebloks