zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2012-10

  1. Just completed a 5.16 km run in mission "Distraction" of #zombiesrun: collected 13 supplies, outran 2 zombie mobs zombiesrungame.com
  2. RT @CFEngine_news: CFEngine Community 3.4.0beta 2 is now available with dozens of new features. Read about it here: cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,27604
  3. Why is the sky dark at night? bit.ly/PpwZG2
  4. RT @CFEngine_news: Scalability of #CFEngine 3.3.5 and #Puppet 2.7.19 bit.ly/R9OkET #devops #sysadmin #aws
  5. RT @brontolinux: My #cfengine policy is in production, finally. Aiming for end of September, done October 2nd: not bad!
  6. …in reply to @jjjmaracay3
    @jjjmaracay3 Relacionado a tu pregunta de cfengine vs puppet hace unos días: bit.ly/R9OkET
  7. RT @CFEngine_news: Interested in using #CFEngine on #Mac? Us too! Info and demo (video): cfengine.com/mac #sysadmin #devops
  8. @RealGeneKim thanks for the live tweeting from #velocityconf! Wish I was there.
  9. Keccak is SHA-3 bit.ly/Qp2MJJ
  10. Very handy: IEdit, Interactive, multi-occurrence editing in your buffer bit.ly/QNyZMT #emacs
  11. One Year Ago bit.ly/cM9SeM
  12. I love it :) RT @cmdln_: 3yr old points to back of my laptop and says "hey mom, did you know that's the cfeyngyn ayegent" #dadops #CFEngine
  13. …in reply to @cjeffblaine
    @cjeffblaine pip always reminds me of CP/M
  14. RT @jack_daniel: Google search for "bacon number [someone's name}" and there goes the evening.
  15. Quorastrinating
  16. …in reply to @undefined
    @drwho Good?
  17. …in reply to @cmdln_
  18. …in reply to @fedcyber
    @fedcyber Really? Awesome! :)
  19. RT @BiznessSoftware: We interviewed @cfengine CEO Thomas Ryd and picked his brain on the future of configuration management: http://t.c ...
  20. @wolfman devio.us down since a couple of days ago? downforeveryoneorjustme.com/devio.us
  21. RT @BadAstronomer: HUGE news: Alpha Centauri - yes, *that* Alpha Centauri - has an Earth-sized planet! is.gd/LThEct #YEEHAW
  22. …in reply to @cmdln_
    @cmdln_ Yes, master is now 3.4.x only, the old 3.3.x-compatible version is on branch 3.3.x. Announcement to follow shortly.
  23. I just voted for #CFEngine on Nordic Startup Awards - you should too! #NSA
  24. …in reply to @brontolinux
    @brontolinux Agree - I gave it permission to vote, which posted one tweet, and then revoked access :)
  25. RT @brainpicker: So great, so timeless: Carl Sagan on books j.mp/KiktIo
  26. MacHeist has Evernote Premium, Scrivener and 15 other awesome Mac Apps for just $29 in the MacHeist 4 Bundle macheist.com
  27. Moved from @LastPass back to @1Password. Happy that my licenses still work, got it both on OSX and iOS, with @Dropbox sync. Awesome :)
  28. …in reply to @ikawnoclast
    @ikawnoclast I was a 1P user for a long time, moved because I had to use Win at my previous job. Now I'm back in an all-Apple environment.
  29. …in reply to @ikawnoclast
    @ikawnoclast I like 1P's browser integration better, and I already had the licenses, vs LP's recurring cost for proper mobile access.
  30. RT @mashable: Is this #Sandy video the new Double Rainbow? on.mash.to/T2pOq5