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Tweets for 2012-09

  1. …in reply to @FunkyM0nk3y
    @FunkyM0nk3y saludos!
  2. …in reply to @FunkyM0nk3y
    @FunkyM0nk3y adelante con las preguntas, también comentarios o revisiones del libro son bienvenidas :)
  3. RT @LearningCF3: Back-to-School Special: Save up to 50% on @LearningCF3 and other Books, Videos, Courses-One Week Only http://t.co/nNNWz ...
  4. RT @LearningCF3: Use code B2S2 for back-to-school discounts from @OReillyMedia! oreil.ly/SUPaaT including @LearningCF3 http://t.co/ ...
  5. Job opportunity: Software Engineer with passion for open source at CFEngine - Oslo Area, Norway #jobs lnkd.in/vTG8Ek
  6. …in reply to @peaceful_online
    @liquidvicodin Yup, they still exist :)
  7. VirtualBox 4.1.22 finally fixes long-standing kernel crash when shutting down multiple VMs (frequent with Vagrant): virtualbox.org/ticket/9897#comment:48
  8. RT @LearningCF3: @OReillyMedia's back-to-school sale still on until tomorrow! Use code B2S2: oreil.ly/SUPaaT #cfengine #sysadmin #d ...
  9. …in reply to @geekle
    @geekle Sorry for the delay! We don't have AU contacts at the moment. We could offer some support for meetups. Email me if you'd like.
  10. RT @markburgess_osl: This parody of me is quite funny. Not sure he meant it to be :) michaeldehaan.net/post/29084242802/double-tap-theorem-of-configuration-management
  11. RT @LearningCF3: Last day! @OReillyMedia's back-to-school sale, includes @LearningCF3, use code B2S2: oreil.ly/SUPaaT #cfengine #sy ...
  12. …in reply to @myrcurial
    @myrcurial I've tried Sparrow, Postbox, Entourage, TB - always came back to Mail.app. Works reliably, good kbd shortcuts, integrates nicely.
  13. …in reply to @myrcurial
    @myrcurial @jadedsecurity it’s mostly TB on steroids. Nice, but I found it awkward to use, no good/customizable kbd shortcuts
  14. Awesome book - just ordered mine (read on paper years ago) RT @pragprog: The Pragmatic Programmer now in DRM-free ebook pp-grb.com/r/4fdmg
  15. @audible_com's "Whispersync" - I've been wishing for this for a while amazon.com/wsv, sounds extremely useful.
  16. Just completed a 4.39 km run in mission "Jolly Alpha Five Niner" of #zombiesrun: collected 20 supplies, outran 3 zombie mobs
  17. …in reply to @audible_com
    @audible_com I wished for it since last year when I read Steve Jobs' bio across book, ebook & audio- I always wished for sync among them :)
  18. …in reply to @mitchellh
    @mitchellh Awesome! Downloading now.
  19. …in reply to @mitchellh
    @mitchellh Working very nicely so far.
  20. …in reply to @mitchellh
    @mitchellh No worries :)
  21. …in reply to @mitchellh
    @mitchellh I'm happy also that 4.2 & 4.1.22 finally fixed the long-standing OSX kernel crash when shutting down several VMs
  22. Old but very nice article, hadn't read before: The price of greatness: Three takeaways from the biography of Steve Jobs radar.oreilly.com/2011/12/steve-jobs-biography-greatness-business-leader.html#.UFec1YKPipM.twitter
  23. RT @LearningCF3: @OReillyMedia's Back to School special ends today! Get 50% off ebooks, use code B2S2: oreil.ly/SUPaaT #cfengine # ...
  24. RT @CFEngine_news: Free Webinar tomorrow @9AM PT: Provisioning Linux Systems with CFEngine info.cfengine.com/WebinarSeptember2012Provisioning.html
  25. RT @instagram: Photos: Mexico Celebrates Independence Day bit.ly/OaQJCD
  26. RT @cmdln_: Don't forget Provisioning Linux Systems with #CFEngine webinar tomorrow info.cfengine.com/WebinarSeptember2012Provisioning.html #devops #sysadmin
  27. RT @mitchellh: Released Vagrant 1.0.5 which contains the fix for Windows and VirtualBox 4.2.0. It also contains other minor changes: htt ...
  28. RT @mitchellh: This is why Vagrant has so many lines of code. Vagrant works hard to make things work even when they really shouldn't: ht ...
  29. Updated to iOS 6! Everything looks fine so far - tweeting from the notification center :)
  30. Received an invitation to Origami - sounds intriguing: origami.com/5248u (if you sign up through this link, I get "quicker access")
  31. …in reply to @baratunde
    @baratunde Not bad in Queretaro, Mexico. In G-Maps my building unit doesn't yet exist, in A-Maps it does. Directions seem good too.
  32. Awesome surprise from @OReillyMedia came in the mail today: a framed copy of the cover of @LearningCF3! So cool.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  33. Interview with yours truly about @LearningCF3 (couple of months old already) answers.oreilly.com/topic/3393-learning-cfengine-3-automated-system-administration-for-sites-of-any-size/ #cfengine #sysadmin #devops
  34. Skitch 2 is a disaster. Went back to 1 only after a few minutes. Link to the old version (and much complaining) here: tuaw.com/2012/09/20/skitch-2-0-is-like-skitch-1-0-without-all-those-pesky-features/
  35. …in reply to @anocelot
    @anocelot Looking for an excuse to get yourself an iPhone 5? ;)
  36. Interesting - a first-hand account of the first atomic explosion: imgur.com/a/aIlY8
  37. RT @bitfield: You’ll need this if you’re going to see everything in that astonishing XKCD comic. It’ll still take you a while. http://t. ...
  38. Fantasia 2000 reference in XKCD 1110? xkcd-map.rent-a-geek.de/#8/33.358/1.582 The whole thing is awesome.
  39. A geek is a geek, today or in the 1800's :) @LettersOfNote: "Every moment dies a man, Every moment 1 1/16 is born." bit.ly/OJiUZz
  40. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs Nice post. I've been meaning to look at "The secret weapon" for a while, maybe I'll get some ideas too.
  41. …in reply to @ernestopriego
    @ernestopriego My thought was more along the lines of "WTF?", but I guess ironic works too :)
  42. RT @cjeffblaine: Oops ieeelog.com/ (100k IEEE accounts compromised)
  43. RT @cmdln_: Don't forget Supporting PCI-compliant IT-infrastructure with #CFEngine tomorrow #sysadmin #devops #security goo.gl/RMmWZ
  44. …in reply to @markburgess_osl
  45. RT @justinpirie: This is quite brilliant. What The Sun newspaper wrote about the internet 20 years ago... mim.ec/QhK1K2
  46. CFEngine tip #004: How to bootstrap a CFEngine client post.ly/9RYf9 #bootstrap #cfengine_tip
  47. Attending the #PCI Compliance using #CFEngine webinar, going on right now. Join us! info.cfengine.com/WebinarSeptember2012PCI.html #security #sysadmin #devops
  48. …in reply to @bruvik
    @bruvik Should be doable - it's on my list of things to look at soon, maybe as a Design Center sketch.
  49. RT @CFEngine_news: Fresh off the oven in #CFEngine Core repo: #XML editing support: github.com/cfengine/core/pull/152 - check it out! #sysadmin
  50. …in reply to @bruvik
    @bruvik plist is XML, so it should be possible to do it using the new edit_xml bundle - need to investigate the details.
  51. …in reply to @bruvik
    @bruvik I had never seen plist-inside-plist like that. plutil -convert helps, but need to investigate more.
  52. …in reply to @bruvik
    @bruvik Thanks for the tip. PlistBuddy - I learned something new today :)
  53. This is quite cool: Zero gravity yo-yo tricks bit.ly/Vi2RB5
  54. In Safari 6, URL bar shows only hostname, e.g. I go to github.com/zzamboni and it shows only "github.com" How to fix? #lazytweet
  55. The page is displayed correctly, and if I click on the URL bar the full URL is shown, but when viewing, it shows only the hostname
  56. RT @brainpicker: A photo of Einstein as a toddler? Yes, please! j.mp/Qt7yrq
  57. …in reply to @rucsb
    @rucsb "From failure, you learn. From success, not so much" (from, of all the unlikely places, a Disney movie, "Meet the Robinsons")
  58. …in reply to @mashable
    @mashable I want Little Computer People for the iPhone :)
  59. Perl: Install Term::ReadLine::Gnu on OSX #protip coderwall.com/p/kk0hqw via @coderwall
  60. Really useful! Preview Mac installer packages with QuickLook: Suspicious Package bit.ly/QmMwY7