Tweets for 2012-07
Hecho #elecciones2012
Got me an external Apple keyboard and Magic Mouse. A bit of an adjustment curve, but I think this'll be good for my back and my eyes.
RT @jeremiahshirk: @markburgess_osl Just finished the CFEngine 3 book, and suggested a team I know still on version 2 to check out 3. Lo ...
- is my all-time favorite site for desktop wallpapers. Only July 3: Premium accounts for $2.00
@cmdln_ @praxagora Indeed, sounds like an interesting topic for a webinar. Will think about it.
Check out @cmdln_'s cool video demoing the new #CFEngine provisioner for #Vagrant: #sysadmin #devops
The #CFEngine agent, as drawn by my 6-year-old daughter :)
@nico_charles @cmdln_ Yup, I'm proud of her :)
@NathanFillion I’ve been meaning to re-watch it for some time. You’ve just given me an excuse :) #firefly
@mroggen what do you mean? Interested in more details.
Retweet to enable Namecheap $0.98 com/net/org registration or transfer! @Namecheap #ncsale. Details: via @namecheap
@mitchellh Awesome!
@mitchellh How do you like Trello? Looks intriguing, never used it. I currently use Things.
@mitchellh Cool - I may take a closer look.
Just learned that if a region is selected in Emacs, undo only reverts changes made within that region. Very nifty and useful. #emacstip
Oh no… TinyWings update? There goes my productivity…
Testing TweetBot for Mac. Looks very nifty.
RT @CNNMex: Con la firma del ACTA, ahora medios digitales pueden ser objeto de sanción por parte de gobierno mexicano
RT @wikinoticias: URGENTE: Gobierno de México firmó hace escasos minutos en Tokio, Japón, la ley #ACTA
New zznippet: Letters of Note: Regarding your dam complaint
@filler @nico_charles Similar, but not the same. Look for example at db_install sketch, and the runfile produced by cf-sketch --generate
@filler @nico_charles Also, keep in mind that default parameter values are coming in #CFEngine 3.4.0
RT @CFEngine_news: Upcoming Webinar - CFEngine Design Center with @zzamboni next Wednesday! Register now:
Join me next Wednesday, June 18th, to learn more about the #CFEngine Design Center: #sysadmin #devops
RT @El_Universal_Mx: La Asociación Mexicana de Internet #AMIPCI pide al Senado rechazar #ACTA
RT @MediaTelecom: .@AMIPCI reitera su postura en contra de la firma de #ACTA y llama al Senado a rechazar la firma de este Acuerdo http: ...
RT @jeffjarvis: Congratulations to @marissamayer. I think. Damned tough job, Yahoo. But she is tough herself and has real vision. http:/ ...
Want to learn about the CFEngine Design Center? Come to my webinar tomorrow: #sysadmin #devops #webinar
Reminder: I'm presenting a webinar about the #CFEngine Design Center, starting in 20min! Join here: #sysadmin #devops
@filler Correct, no way to pass data, just define classes. I imagine this is by design, for security reasons /cc @cmdln_ @markburgess_osl
@filler @markburgess_osl @cmdln_ how would params be determined? Could they be coded in policy depending on classes?
@filler @markburgess_osl @cmdln_ with vagrant you could put things in a file in the Vagrantfile dir and read from /vagrant in the VM
@filler @markburgess_osl @cmdln_ I meant as a generic mechanism for transferring data into the VM from the host. Config, CFEngine code, etc.
@filler @cmdln_ @markburgess_osl Probably a better topic for the forum than for Twitter - CFEngine code in 140 chars is not too readable :)
Hey, that's me! :) RT @CFEngine_news: I uploaded a @YouTube video Introducing the CFEngine Design Center
Now available at RT @cmdln_ if you didn't make it to the webinar today for design center you should watch the recording
@Niki7a @hevnsnt @myrcurial Talking Carl/Gugl provide lots of giggly fun for mine (slightly older). Also MiniPiano, 123 Color, Lunchbox
@Niki7a @hevnsnt @myrcurial Those are all on iPhone, probably most have iPad versions as well
Vagrant is so cool. #sysadmin #devops #cfengine
@mitchellh Did they also upgrade you to 1st class tomorrow? Happened to me once: $400 + 1st class
@gattaca @PatrickCMiller @armorguy I've tried Sparrow and Postbox, keep going back to, I'm far more efficient in it somehow.
@armorguy @gattaca @PatrickCMiller I can't stand Thunderbird, never could, even when I was using Linux for my desktop.
Bought it on iOS, pretty good zombie shoot-em-up RT @daringfireball: ‘Dead Trigger’ Game Now Free on Android:
RT @CFEngine_news: Planning on going to #LinuxCon in San Diego this August? Come say hi to @markburgess_osl and @zzamboni ...
RT @markburgess_osl: Diego showing the CFEngine 3 self-healing management of Amazon EC2 with automated roles - through the new Design Ce ...
Just completed a 2.26 km run - First run in a while. . #RunKeeper
RT @anton_chuvakin: If I see ONE more academic paper in 2012 that uses KDD 1999 data set to test their proposed IDS technology, I will d ...
RT @CFEngine_news: I uploaded a @YouTube video What is Configuration Management?
RT @mitchellh: Phantom of the Opera using properly timed disk seeks. Not sure how I've never seen this before. Awesomely nerdy: http://t ...
@mitchellh Amazing - I had a C64 program that played music using the floppy disk, but not in multi-voice like this one :)
@Beaker Wow, amazing amount of detail and work for a badge.
Had been meaning to buy Fantastical, done now RT @TUAW: Fantastical gets Retina & ML update, on sale now for $9.99
14 minutes left in my Mountain Lion download
19 minutes to go on my Mountain Lion install. Gives me time to finish some reading.
Using Mountain Lion now. So far so good. Fingers crossed :)
A bit slow at the moment, but there seems to be some reindexing going on (Spotlight at least)
Tweeting from the Mountain Lion notification center:
I just unlocked the "Warm Up" badge on @Foursquare!
Just completed a 2.07 km run with @Runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper
@TyrelSouza will do. Thanks!
RT @fueradelugar: Freno a #ACTA, El Senado no la ratificará via @computerworldmx
@collect3 Hiss is very nice. However, it doesn't seem to work with notifications from growlnotify. Thoughts?
@funkatron ewwww
How had I never heard of "Zombies, Run!"? Sounds awesome, will try it for my next run: /cc @TyrelSouza
RT @dlutzy: For #sysadminday I will re-watch this Adam Jacob video I like being a sysadmin.
RT @LettersOfNote: Love this. The Mayor of Boston writes to the President of Chick-fil-A, tells them to stay away:
@elijahmanor I wish there was a kbd shortcut to directly open the Twitter field, but I couldn't find one.
@DevOpsTom That sounds cool - I was a Gentoo user for many years, and I evidently love CFEngine :)
RT @jczucco: O'Reilly Webcast: CFEngine 3- Empowering the Next-generation Sysadmin #CFEngine
Just finished making several nice improvements to the Vagrant #CFEngine provisioner: Check it out! #sysadmin #devops
RT @CFEngine_news: Happy #SysAdminDay! Be proud of being a sysadmin: #cfengine #devops #sysadmin
@451wendy Congratulations! Hope everything is well.
The "Archive" mbox in one of my mail accts disappeared, scared me to death. Realized Mail now considers it special, moved it to top section.
@mark_goldfinch @ennarr CFEngine 3 is lightweight and powerful. For a good introduction, check out O'Reilly's @LearningCF3 (which I wrote :)