Tweets for 2011-12
RT @azaaza: The power of a yellow chair and free wifi:
New zznippet: WANT: Topbrewer - Scanomat
@bricooke Have you listened to this? You may identify with it :)
Linux kernel panic on train station screen at Boston airport
New zznippet: "Learning CFEngine 3" Early Release now available -use AUTHD to get 40-50% off
RT @OReillyUG: New Release: Learning CFEngine 3
RT @jparrott: cfengine BoF standing room only #lisa11
Great keynote talk by Ben Rockwood at #LISA11. DevOps goes very much along Third Wave ideas that we promote at #CFEngine
RT @CFEngine_news: #CFEngine 3 tutorial tips by @bbomgardner #LISA11 #SysAdmin #SysAdmins #ConfigurationManagement
Look for the bright orange #CFEngine t-shirts at #LISA11, please come say hi.
Come by the #CFEngine booth at #LISA11 starting at noon. Get some goodies, win a Kindle Fire.
It's packed at Mark Burgess' "3 Myths and 3 Challenges to Bring System Administration out of the Dark Ages" talk at #LISA11. Come by!
Come by the #CFEngine booth at #LISA11. Learn about CFEngine, get some goodies, win a Kindle Fire.
@nico_charles @j4hammer hope you like it. Please let me know if you have any comments.
@j4hammer hmm. We'll have to figure something out ;) great seeing you in Boston!
Had a great time at #LISA11 with all the #CFEngine gang. Met lots of interesting people and learned a lot. Good stuff.
RT @Dries: When Chuck Norris calls you ...
@bryceverdier @phatduckk Why do you feel CFEngine is not worth mentioning anymore? Have you seen CFEngine 3?
@phatduckk None of the above: CFEngine :) CF3 is highly capable, scalable and easy to learn (disclaimer: I work for CFEngine)
@bryceverdier Great. It's very different from CFEngine 2, completely new and improved.
New blog post: Fix journal in an HFS+ file system #diskutil #hfs #macosx #tips
New zznippet: goes live
New blog post: New website for "Learning CFEngine 3"
@raffaelmarty Is that the same one you had at ZRL? Old noisy thing :)
RT @praxagora: Diego Zamboni (@zzamboni) has web site to discuss #CFEngine related to his @OReillyMedia book "Learn ...
New blog post: Reading on multiple media #audible #books #kindle #reading #stevejobs
Trying out @sparrowmailapp for the first time. Looks very nice, I wonder if it will pass the "intense use" test.
Still using CFEngine 2? Join the CFEngine 2 to 3 migration webinar, Jan 25th, 2012: #cfengine #SysAdmin
Migrating from CFEngine 2 to CFEngine 3 #cf2 #cf3 #migration #webinars
@sparrowmailapp passed the test. Bought. I really like it.
New zznippet: 15 Years Ago Today
@codinghorror I agree, and it is indeed an evolutionary survival mechanism:
Happy I moved away from @GoDaddy already a few months ago RT @Reddit: GoDaddy supports SOPA
RT @TheRealSpaf: TSA confiscates cupcake, calls frosting a "gel" - Boing Boing via @BoingBoing
#ff @NoradSanta
@KI4OTK Hey - anything I can do to help with cfengine?
I've been using Reader in Safari (both Mac and iPhone) more and more recently. I really like it.
cf-cmd: A command-line tool for running CFEngine snippets #cfengine #testing #tools
RT @BadAstronomer: Stop antivaxxers. NOW. #StopAVN #StopNVIC