zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2011-10

  1. RT @TheRealSpaf: I am very sad to report that my good friend, and security icon, Gene Schultz died this evening as a consequence of the ...
  2. I met Gene Schultz 15 yrs ago when I was a grad student at Purdue. He was a good person, always kind and encouraging. May he Rest in Peace.
  3. RT @TheRealSpaf: In memory of Gene, I suggest you take a few moments to read the material at this page & recognize the signs of stroke: ...
  4. New blog post: Gene Schultz, R.I.P. post.ly/3TNm5 #geneschultz #obituary #people
  5. New blog post: Steve Jobs, R.I.P. post.ly/3V2qs #obituary #people #stevejobs
  6. RT @brianblanchard: Well said Tim, Must read to truly understand Job's legacy & impact... wired.com/epicenter/2011/10/steve-jobs-disability/
  7. RT @MarcoFigueroa: Never before aired commercial the first Think Different commercial "Here's to the Crazy Ones" youtu.be/8rwsuXHA7RA On ...
  8. RT @justinvincent: "He offered the Apple II to Atari... we said no. No thank you." bit.ly/pZQYh3
  9. Having breakfast with the family, after my wife just finished a 10K race.
  10. …in reply to @Documentally
    @Documentally congratulations!
  11. Installing #iOS5! Weird, the phone doesn't show "Sync in progress", I can use the phone but it's still restoring apps.
  12. #iOS5 looks very nice. The notifications UI is amazing.
  13. New blog post: Dennis M. Ritchie, R.I.P. post.ly/3ZLWw
  14. …in reply to @StarWalk
    @StarWalk Works well so far, data and apps survived the transition, taking photos with the button is very nice, so are the notifications.
  15. My new Macbook Pro shipped today at 2AM from Shanghai. Now comes the hard part - trying not to reload the tracking page every 5 minutes
  16. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser actually with ups you can set up status alerts, but it's more exciting this way :)
  17. Killed to death “@vidhyaiyer14: that's just WOW i.imgur.com/QQNs0.jpg
  18. RT @GreatDismal: I talk (but honestly) about my dead-boring hardware and software choices william.gibson.usesthis.com/
  19. New zznippet: Quantum locking demo post.ly/3cT9T
  20. New zznippet: The Llama Song post.ly/3cfew
  21. New blog post: New job, new book post.ly/3cscc #announcements #book #career #cfengine #oreillly #personal
  22. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf Thanks Spaf!
  23. Oh, and another perk? I get to use a Mac again at work :)
  24. …in reply to @SifuMoraga
    @SifuMoraga Thanks Morton!
  25. …in reply to @fruffo
    @fruffo Thanks! Will do. I'm curious myself what it will be :)
  26. …in reply to @mpb
    @mpb @sebitas Thanks!
  27. New zznippet: CNET UK Presents: History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs on Vimeo post.ly/3dGJ6
  28. New zznippet: Michael Winslow gets the Led out post.ly/3dS9R
  29. My MacBook Pro: Out for delivery. W0000t!
  30. First tweet from my new machine. MBP 15", 8GB, 750GB, 2.3GHz, HiRes display. Happy happy :)
  31. …in reply to @mroesch
  32. Happy to be on the team! RT @CFEngine_news We're proud to welcome @zzamboni to his new role within the #CFEngine family bit.ly/rltcNK
  33. …in reply to @neil_h_watson
    @neil_h_watson Thanks Neil!
  34. New zznippet: Dennis Ritchie, 70, Dies, Programming Trailblazer - NYTimes.com post.ly/3h749
  35. This is awesome, and works really well RT @pragdave: By popular request: skitch.com/pragdave/gd8u9/the-pragmatic-bookshelf-your-bookshelf
  36. I don't like the LIbreOffice icon. Looks too much like the stock blank document icon on the Mac.
  37. RT @CFEngine_news: #CFEngine unveils 'CFEngine 3 Nova' for Agile #SysAdmins: bit.ly/Nova-Press-Release #sysadmin #DevOps
  38. Very nice new release, also community 3.2.3 cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,23799 RT @CFEngine_news: What's New in #CFEngine 3 Nova: bit.ly/vWcwYL
  39. New blog post: "Introduction to CFEngine 3 Nova" webinar post.ly/3huDh #announcements #cfengine #nova
  40. New zznippet: GitHub Secrets - GitHub post.ly/3hxEZ
  41. I just joined the XVII Carrera Internacional 5.5km Manuel Gómez Morin on @Runkeeper. Check it out! bit.ly/tBJ6Nj
  42. Went to get the Steve Jobs biography today, but they only had the Spanish translation. Will keep looking for the hard-cover original.
  43. …in reply to @undefined
    @Darknater I want the hard cover. Funny thing, I had it in my hands last Sun, didn't buy it bc it had a little stain, now I can't find it :(
  44. What's New in CFEngine 3: Making System Administration Even More Powerful radar.oreilly.com/2011/10/whats-new-in-cfengine-3-making.html via @radar
  45. New blog post: What's New in CFEngine 3: Making System Administration Even More Powerful - O'Reilly Radar post.ly/3jaNn #cfengine
  46. Just completed a 5.75 km run - Termine la carrera de 5.5km! rnkpr.com/ayknia #RunKeeper
  47. New zznippet: A New Invention on '30 Rock' 02/03/11 post.ly/3klPr
  48. …in reply to @fruffo
    @fruffo Thanks! The one in EN is as measured by RunKeeper (I stopped it a little bit after the finish line), second one I typed myself :)
  49. New blog post: All the apps on my iPhone post.ly/3lEBF #apps #iphone #screenshots
  50. RT @CFEngine_news: Open Source Matters: #CFEngine 3 Nova Unveiled bit.ly/vBz01n @NetworkWorld #sysadmin #sysadmins
  51. #lazytweet What is a good site these days for booking flights? Haven't done so in a while.