zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2011-09

  1. Sleep, I really need sleep.
  2. Telmex just finished cabling fiber to my home. My new speed: 10Mbps! speedtest.net/result/1463383761.png
  3. New zznippet: Go for Launch! | AirSpaceMag.com post.ly/3CTHL
  4. New zznippet: Osaka Station City fountain post.ly/3Dl9S
  5. …in reply to @boredzo
    @boredzo saw them at the store today. I already have the collection on regular DVD. You think it's worth getting them anyway?
  6. …in reply to @baratunde
    @baratunde joining you on #whiskeyfriday from home, right now. 12-year Glenfiddich. Very nice.
  7. …in reply to @andysc
    @andysc have you tried tweetbot? Very nice IMO
  8. New zznippet: Ba? Fa! | Bad Astronomy post.ly/3HckY
  9. Checking out zerply. Looks nice: zerp.ly/zzamboni
  10. New zznippet: Samuel L Ipsum | Alternative Lorem Ipsum Generator post.ly/3Ig3r
  11. New zznippet: Scientists Reconstruct Brains’ Visions Into Digital Video In Historic Experiment | Gizmodo post.ly/3KQB6
  12. …in reply to @alexhutton
    @alexhutton Congratulations!
  13. RT @jliendo: Submarine Cable Map submarinecablemap.com
  14. …in reply to @chrisjager
    @chrisjager @gattaca ooooh I loved it too. Used to get up really early saturdays to watch it - they showed it at 6:30am where I lived.
  15. …in reply to @buzzedword
    @buzzedword Songbird? getsongbird.com/ BT not built-in, but through add ons: addons.songbirdnest.com/search?query=torrent
  16. I use TweetBot on my iPhone. I find myself constantly flicking left and right on tweets also on Twitter app on my laptop. Frustrating.
  17. My trusty old 1GB "Swissbit" USB drive (on my Swiss Army knife keychain) has officially bit the dust. The LED no longer lights up.
  18. New zznippet: RC Helicopter Flight Test Gone Bad post.ly/3OuQM
  19. I am so tired. Sleep.