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Tweets for 2011-07

  1. …in reply to @snipeyhead
    @snipeyhead congrats! Checking it out now...
  2. …in reply to @snipeyhead
    @snipeyhead looks (and sounds) cool and intriguing. Will definitely be playing more with it!
  3. …in reply to @snipeyhead
    @snipeyhead mine too. Left it for a while but with the latest update i'm hooked again. I'm the zzomboni :)
  4. I just received some awesome, fantastic news. Not quite time to tell all the details, but I can barely contain myself :)
  5. And now, to celebrate by finishing some pending editorial tasks for COSE. It is Friday night after all! #amIwildorwhat
  6. I have my Karate exam tomorrow, going for 2nd Kyu. Wish me luck! I should go to sleep early tonight.
  7. New blog post: Karate Exam http://post.ly/2K5sI
  8. …in reply to @bauxring
    @bauxring thanks!
  9. Happy 4th of July to all my friends in the U.S.! Enjoy your long weekend!
  10. …in reply to @pilky
    @pilky Hope everything works out OK.
  11. Trying to learn XMLMind to edit Docbook documents. Any suggestions for a good Emacs mode for editing Docbook?
  12. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid cool. Pair it with healthmonth.com for some increased incentive and sense of accomplishment. Have fun :)
  13. Anyone has a Google+ invite you'd like to share with me? Thx!
  14. Just listened to @audible_com's "Go the f--k to sleep", read by Samuel L. Jackson. Hilarious, and so true if you have young kids.
  15. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid apparently so, and very frustrating.
  16. Finally on G+. Thanks @sebitas @andrewsmhay @wsienkiewicz @mubix @bauxring for adding me. I've only accessed it from my iPhone so far
  17. Of course, I abandoned Facebook a long time ago, let's see if G+ is any different.
  18. How I wish I'd been there RT @instagram: Photos: The Space Shuttle Atlantis's Final Voyage http://bit.ly/rqcvGL #sts135
  19. …in reply to @undefined
    @sebitas Felicidades retrasadas!
  20. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf hope everything goes well.
  21. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf virtual space how? Video/Audioconf? Second Life? Something else?
  22. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf happy to hear everything went well!
  23. I'm so tired from work, but so happy from all the other things going on in my life right now. Very exciting.
  24. #lazytweet Starting to use a Mac again after ~1.5yrs. Is MacPorts still the best option for installing Unix programs? Fink? something else?
  25. …in reply to @VMDoug
    @VMDoug beautiful city. Enjoy it!
  26. …in reply to @datenkeller
    @datenkeller Thanks! It looks very nice.
  27. …in reply to @Documentally
    @Documentally @Minimentally Nasty cut. Hope he's well in no time.
  28. …in reply to @datenkeller
    @datenkeller Thanks! Works fine so far.
  29. First time using Chrome on the Mac. Very nice. Particularly that all my bookmarks, etc. synced automatically. Also, LastPass rules.
  30. :) In response to "brew tex": Installing TeX from source is weird and gross [...] We recommend using a MacTeX distro: tug.org/mactex/
  31. Back from karate training. What a nice feeling after a busy day.
  32. @Dropbox is awesome. Absolutely painless and fast synchronization of files among machines
  33. New zznippet: My thought about the Lion upgrade process http://post.ly/2afvk
  34. New zznippet: Space Shuttle: The complete missions -- by Nature Video‏ - YouTube http://post.ly/2asFc
  35. New zznippet: Emacs - Multiple columns one buffer - Stack Overflow http://post.ly/2biFe
  36. I have "Sent", "Sent Messages" and "Elementos enviados" folders in my email. Time to do some tweaking of clients so they all use the same.
  37. I think it's telling that the "Finer things in Mac" blog has over 100 posts, while the "Finer things in PC" has 8 /cc @finertech