Tweets for 2011-07
@snipeyhead congrats! Checking it out now...
@snipeyhead looks (and sounds) cool and intriguing. Will definitely be playing more with it!
@snipeyhead mine too. Left it for a while but with the latest update i'm hooked again. I'm the zzomboni :)
I just received some awesome, fantastic news. Not quite time to tell all the details, but I can barely contain myself :)
And now, to celebrate by finishing some pending editorial tasks for COSE. It is Friday night after all! #amIwildorwhat
I have my Karate exam tomorrow, going for 2nd Kyu. Wish me luck! I should go to sleep early tonight.
New blog post: Karate Exam
@bauxring thanks!
Happy 4th of July to all my friends in the U.S.! Enjoy your long weekend!
@pilky Hope everything works out OK.
Trying to learn XMLMind to edit Docbook documents. Any suggestions for a good Emacs mode for editing Docbook?
@northirid cool. Pair it with for some increased incentive and sense of accomplishment. Have fun :)
Anyone has a Google+ invite you'd like to share with me? Thx!
Just listened to @audible_com's "Go the f--k to sleep", read by Samuel L. Jackson. Hilarious, and so true if you have young kids.
@northirid apparently so, and very frustrating.
Finally on G+. Thanks @sebitas @andrewsmhay @wsienkiewicz @mubix @bauxring for adding me. I've only accessed it from my iPhone so far
Of course, I abandoned Facebook a long time ago, let's see if G+ is any different.
How I wish I'd been there RT @instagram: Photos: The Space Shuttle Atlantis's Final Voyage #sts135
@sebitas Felicidades retrasadas!
@TheRealSpaf hope everything goes well.
@TheRealSpaf virtual space how? Video/Audioconf? Second Life? Something else?
@TheRealSpaf happy to hear everything went well!
I'm so tired from work, but so happy from all the other things going on in my life right now. Very exciting.
#lazytweet Starting to use a Mac again after ~1.5yrs. Is MacPorts still the best option for installing Unix programs? Fink? something else?
@VMDoug beautiful city. Enjoy it!
@datenkeller Thanks! It looks very nice.
@Documentally @Minimentally Nasty cut. Hope he's well in no time.
@datenkeller Thanks! Works fine so far.
First time using Chrome on the Mac. Very nice. Particularly that all my bookmarks, etc. synced automatically. Also, LastPass rules.
:) In response to "brew tex": Installing TeX from source is weird and gross [...] We recommend using a MacTeX distro:
Back from karate training. What a nice feeling after a busy day.
@Dropbox is awesome. Absolutely painless and fast synchronization of files among machines
New zznippet: My thought about the Lion upgrade process
New zznippet: Space Shuttle: The complete missions -- by Nature Video - YouTube
New zznippet: Emacs - Multiple columns one buffer - Stack Overflow
I have "Sent", "Sent Messages" and "Elementos enviados" folders in my email. Time to do some tweaking of clients so they all use the same.
I think it's telling that the "Finer things in Mac" blog has over 100 posts, while the "Finer things in PC" has 8 /cc @finertech