Tweets for 2011-05
New zznippet: Tiny Wings review
Business trip day. It should be illegal to have to wake up this early.
I have used for a long time, but this is very nice: via @worldtimebuddy
@danphilpott For a moment I read that as "XKCD interpreter". Need sleep.
@wxactly Or as they say, "why spend 10 min doing something when you can spend 10 years automating it?"
Good, it seems the @Google app is usable again after the latest update. It had become unbearably slow.
@Shrdlu @securitytwits agree, those msgs don't add much value but add noise. Better do the webinar anns instead. Less volume, more useful.
In my day,I spent hours figuring out song lyrics and learning English in the process. Now you just google "<song name> lyrics" #getoffmylawn
I never imagined the origins and meaning of "OK" were so unclear and widely debated:
It's late, I still have two documents to prepare for tomorrow, and I have to get up at 4AM for a trip. So what do I do? Twitter, of course.
@ikawnoclast Now I just have to find something cool to associate with "zamboning" so I can use the verb in daily conversation :)
Finally having some rest after a very, very long day. Still have to work some more, though, before sleep
@fraserspeirs cool. But what happens to browsing the shelves for the book you want, maybe finding other interesting ones in the process?
Having a coffee while the girls are in German class (@ La Charamusca) [pic]:
@AutoHotkey you are just retweeting spam these days. Unfollowing.