Tweets for 2011-03
@TheRealSpaf congratulations for the award!
I just had a lovely chat with the Lizard about my February game... and here's what I learned: via @healthmonth
Ditto sounds interesting but facebook login required? No way RT @Borthwick: ... Ditto goes live, exciting.
Just finished doing some disk cleanup with the help of windirstat. Freed about 47GB of disk. Amazing how much cruft I had accumulated.
I made 100k words today on!:
Back home from mexico city for the second time this week. Exhausted. Is it Friday yet? Wake me up when it is...
Oooh, iOS4.3 is here. Donwloading....
@mckeay you must be so proud :)
Terrible news from Japan. 8.9 earthquake, tsunamis. Live coverage:
@JURIQUILLA que comentario tan arrogante y fuera de lugar, ante una tragedia tan terrible
New zznippet: Terrifying Japan Tsunami video (via Bad Astronomy)
Finished watching Avatar again. It's really worth watching it in BlueRay, it's beautifully done.
I just ousted @rsdiorj as the mayor of La Charamusca on @Foursquare!
Huevos encarcelados, buenísimos (@ La Charamusca) [pic]:
I'm at Jardín Zenea (Corregidora, Santiago de Queretaro)
Finally got task sync between outlook and my iPhone (2Do app) using toodledo as a gateway. Seems to work well!
Unbelievable and sad RT @aloria: Wow. Just wow. #Japan #tsunami
New blog post: Single-tap conference dialing in iOS 4.3 #audioconference #ios43 #iphone #review
New zznippet: How to digitally sign a macro project - Outlook #macros #outlook #vba
Homemade crepes for breakfast.
As we all retweet & reblog all those #tsunami videos, let's not forget there's people inside many of the tumbl… (cont)
@geekgrrl I know - it happens to me as well, which is why I thought of this.
Wow RT @flyosity iPad 2 totally sold out across US, 70% of buyers new to iPad, buyers split nearly 50/50 Mac vs. PC owners
Multiple desktops come naturally in Linux & OSX. In Win they feel clunky and unreliable,even with Dexpot which is one of the best apps AFAIK
@security4all Hope your family and friends are fine.
New blog post: Overhauling my GTD system under Windows #friction #gtd #jello #outlook #productivity #windows
RT @mattblaze: The privacy gained from https w/ Facebook is similar to the safety gained by always using condoms when having sex with va ...
559 items still in my mailbox. Accumulated from months of not doing proper processing. Madness... #gtd #inboxzero
@doctorlinguist Cue conspiracy theories! I think it's a bug, they forgot to upgrade the HTML/JS engine that handles "standalone" webapps
Finally finished reviewing that journal paper. Time to sleep.
@mnik I'm old enough to remember when you *couldn't* watch a news program from another country on TV /cc @GreatDismal
New zznippet: The Flight of the AirJelly /via @biz
#inboxzero for the first time in months! What a nice feeling.
The # of things to do hasn't decreased (actually it increased) but it's no more in an amorphous pile, and I now have specific actions #gtd
New zznippet: Open Penetration Testing Bookmarks Collection
New blog post: Automatically creating tasks from email in Outlook #filter #gtd #howto #outlook #script #vba
RT @mikkohypponen: Hidden message found etched on one of the chips in Samsung Galaxy tablet: If you can read this, ...
New zznippet: Concrete Poured Into Ant Colony Reveals Insect Megalopolis
Oooh, @TweetDeck previews images inline? I just learned that. Cool.
RT @rands: Watch the earth move: (note: turn on sticky dots)
@mckeay mine does. It all depends on your coffee machine :)
@mckeay I use a Krups machine with builtin grinder. Delicious coffee, one-button operation.
I just ousted @albertoivan as the mayor of Bimbo Tecnoparque on @Foursquare!
@natalimorris congrats! I always tell bedtime stories to my girls, but had never thought of reading a whole book, may have to try it.
“@azaaza: Repairware: Products designed to be easily fixed using tools like the coins in your pocket. Very much want.
@elijahmanor maybe something on Very useful site.
New zznippet: Dog Sledding season - coming to a close - The Big Picture
Pizza and movie night!
New zznippet: The baboon's guide to the internet: Michael Jordan