zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2010-11

  1. So I guess there's some sort of big sports-related celebration/riot in SF, my twitter stream is all over it and #icouldntcareless
  2. I wrote 1,360 words in 35 minutes: 750words.com/entries/share/347004
  3. @busterbenson I'm really enjoying 750words.com so far. Using it to participate in PragProWriMo. Thanks for all your work!
  4. I wrote 1,788 words today: 750words.com/entries/share/348931 #pragprowrimo
  5. In the middle of another job change. The new one is very interesting (security-related, for a nice change), but another learning curve.
  6. I wrote 1,021 words in 115 minutes (4 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/353849 #pragprowrimo
  7. I wrote 1,248 words in 28 minutes (5 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/356522 #PragProWriMo
  8. RT @Gizmodo: File this under parties I wish I had been invited to: Michael J. Fox posing with a giant DeLorean cake http://gizmo.do/9SWdjm
  9. I wrote 1,153 words in 197 minutes (6 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/358528 #PragProWriMo
  10. New zznippet: Knight Arts | Random Acts of Culture http://post.ly/1AaiG
  11. I wrote 1,017 words in 24 minutes (9 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/366040 #PragProWriMo
  12. …in reply to @english4kidsslm
    @english4kidsslm Quihubo Sergio, un abrazo, cuanto tiempo! Como anda todo por allá?
  13. New zznippet: 2010 World Fencing Championships - The Big Picture http://post.ly/1BQaJ
  14. New zznippet: Running Shells in Emacs: An Overview | Mastering Emacs http://post.ly/1CS7P
  15. I wrote 1,088 words in 232 minutes (15 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/377667 #PragProWriMo
  16. New zznippet: Pidgin cannot connect to MSN: the certificate chain presented is invalid http://post.ly/1DRpp
  17. New zznippet: Want: “GTD Managing Projects” set http://post.ly/1EeFK
  18. New zznippet: docco.coffee, Rocco, etc. http://post.ly/1Eh9R
  19. New zznippet: Symphony of Science http://post.ly/1F0H1
  20. Near the end of the November Challenge, and I'm still in! I wrote 796 words in 58 minutes (24 day streak): 750words.com/entries/share/395001 #PragProWriMo
  21. New blog post: Editing sshd configuration files with cfengine3 http://post.ly/1FI7L #cfengine #ssh
  22. Finally ordered my iPhone4 yesterday, directly from Apple. Shipped today from China. Resisting urge to reload tracking page every 5sec :)
  23. Two more days to complete the 750words.com November challenge 750words.com/entries/share/402604 #PragProWriMo
  24. My iPhone4 made the jump over the Pacific, is now in Anchorage, AK #IHateWaiting
  25. Woman on the bus yammering nonstop on her cellphone at full volume #sigh