zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2010-10

  1. Check out my MOO mini gallery at http://moo.com/link/h4a7 (nicely done service from @overheardatmoo)
  2. @bauxring Finally (I know! How long ago did I get my invite) checking out @blekko. Looks very nice
  3. This is just too cute RT @GoogleAtWork: Street View now on all seven continents including Antarctica http://bit.ly/cYyLDG #gonegoogle
  4. New zznippet: Pac-Man Spotted In The Wild http://post.ly/11Ryj
  5. The stupid, it burns http://www.wyff4.com/slideshow/news/25283915/detail.html
  6. New zznippet: Homemade Spacecraft http://post.ly/12KHU
  7. Ooh, I got #newtwitter now. Not that I care that much, since I almost never use the web page, but it looks nice.
  8. Well, what do you know. I actually like the #newtwitter interface. Much more functional than before.
  9. RT @mckeay: Yay! I finally got the new twitter! Now back to tweetdeck. :-)
  10. I just sliced 289 fruits, including 19 tasty pears on Fruit Ninja for iPhone! http://www.fruitninja.com http://bit.ly/bwyhZ5
  11. I scored 200 points in Fruit Ninja's Zen Mode on iPhone, with a lush 6 watermelon combo! http://www.fruitninja.com http://bit.ly/bwyhZ5
  12. New zznippet: "It's just eating somebody's tree --- 10-4" http://post.ly/13WSU
  13. I don't know how useful this will be, but it is cute. Testing http://scr.im/ to safely share my email: http://scr.im/zamboni
  14. Got the keys to our new place. Moving time.
  15. What a mess. I'd like to migrate GReader to my Apps act, but I'd lose all my friends&followers. Google, a "redirect" feature would be nice
  16. Internet at the new place. Furniture's not here yet, but who cares :)
  17. New zznippet: Edward Horsford Creates Amazing Bursting Balloons Photographs http://post.ly/15EiL
  18. Started reading again Forsyth's "The day of the Jackal", my favorite novel of all time. I have read it every 2-3 years avg since I was 16.
  19. …in reply to @estanasoa
    @estanqueiroa Congrats! Good for you! #Facebook #RIP
  20. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid I am the same, and have found the No-S diet pretty good and sustainable: http://www.nosdiet.com/ My opinion: http://zza.mx/9B7bAa
  21. New zznippet: How high is space? http://post.ly/15VKR
  22. New zznippet: Science, Reason and Critical Thinking: A Handy Alternative Therapy Flowchart http://post.ly/15VXq
  23. New zznippet: The most amazing WWF play I have ever seen http://post.ly/160lg
  24. @ginatrapani Are you happy with namecheap.com as a registrar? Thinking of finally moving away from godaddy, found your poll results. Thx!
  25. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist depends if it's free
  26. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist I figured so :) i'd go with .org then
  27. Every once in a while iTunes goes bonkers and reinstalls every app I've ever purchased on my iPod touch. Has anyone else seen this?
  28. Finished reading The Day Of The Jackal again. What a great novel, I enjoy it every time.
  29. Found my old USB lamp while unpacking after the move. Useful, my home office is not fully set up and illuminated yet http://zza.mx/cVe7sm
  30. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl I had a couple of tornado watches when I lived in Indiana. Scariest things ever. Stay safe #tornadowatch
  31. So far, only three hits. Surely it will grow :) https://twitter.com/#!/search/jonty.co.uk%2Fidiocy-what
  32. Got my @blekko T-shirts in the mail today. Thanks @bauxring!
  33. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl Sounds like my job! :)
  34. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl A coder? I thought he was just another Gentoo user ;)
  35. New zznippet: The boiling, erupting Sun | Bad Astronomy http://post.ly/17rd1
  36. I am going to do PragProWriMo in November http://bit.ly/bpjGiO #pragprog
  37. New zznippet: HP Slate has a bad solution to "too many stickers" syndrome http://post.ly/18Dbb