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Tweets for 2010-09

  1. At least I was not the only one confused by ths RT @thisWEEKinTWiT Mex. Carrier Exec Claims iPhone4 Hw Rev by End of Sep http://ow.ly/18OmmO
  2. Installed iTunes 10. I think I liked better the old colorful icons.
  3. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist I liked it better when Apple actually adhered to its own UI guidelines... on the other hand, Ping looks like it could be fun
  4. New zznippet: On remembering and dealing with people's names http://post.ly/vLoa
  5. New zznippet: Pocketful of Dough - Tips on Tipping http://post.ly/vLuH
  6. I learned today that I was selected for the cfengine C3 program. Cool! http://www.cfengine.org/pages/c3
  7. The problem of running the latest Chrome beta is that today's oooh-ahhh new release is the same I've been running for a few days already.
  8. Work work work
  9. …in reply to @undefined
    @Darknater Sadly, not yet. There's a shortage of the 32GB model without a plan. May have to wait a few weeks :-(
  10. "Friday I'm in Love" - The Cure. Great song for today.
  11. …in reply to @undefined
    @Darknater Indeed, those are even harder to come by. It's all a matter of patience I guess.
  12. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert I would've hung up at least 15 min ago. Not showing up at least to say "can't make it" shows deep disrespect for people's time
  13. New zznippet: @BadAstronomer The irony is killing me :-) http://post.ly/vUDq
  14. Spent 3.5 hours today without power, thanks to some stupid construction workers. It's a bit scary how much we depend on electricity.
  15. New blog post: GTD Tip: one-key opening of INBOX notebook in OneNote http://post.ly/vpb6 #autohotkey #gtd #onenote #windows
  16. Finally finished listening to "Daemon" by Daniel Suarez. Awesome book! Now started on "Making it all Work" by @gtdguy. Very good stuff.
  17. New blog post: Storing CFEngine configuration in CVS http://post.ly/w9ey #yam #cfengine #cvs #howto #subversion
  18. New zznippet: The 7 habits of highly effective writers | Article | http://post.ly/w9ju
  19. @vkoser Would you rather have it like this: http://mlowry.blogspot.com/2010/09/desaturate-now.html :-)
  20. New zznippet: Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas. Internal CCTV footage. http://post.ly/wAmk
  21. Trying out Echofon. Looks nice so far. Nth Twitter client on my iPod Touch.
  22. …in reply to @AlecMuffett
    @AlecMuffett Amazing, isn't it? Just a few years ago, it would've been the stuff of far-fetched science fiction.
  23. New blog post: Google Scribe-generated prose http://post.ly/wCbV #autocompletion #fun #google #scribe
  24. AKA "Google Scribe channels Kanye West" :-) http://post.ly/wCbV
  25. On the road again…
  26. New blog post: Cfengine3 lexer for Pygments http://post.ly/wRLn #cfengine #pygments #python
  27. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid Brand/Model?
  28. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid Sorry, had to log off for a while. And sorry, no idea, having never used an Acer server.
  29. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid Doesn't the RAID SW have an "identify drive" mode, which would blink its light or something like that?
  30. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid Cool, that was my next suggestion (blink lights). Middle bottom doesn't make much sense though. Start btm-left, count up & right?
  31. Write write write
  32. New zznippet: Woot: Refurbished Coffeenaker - Ewww http://post.ly/wlre
  33. GeeTeeDee (http://bit.ly/bKOMgR) looks very Things-like (i.e. nice). Still very young, but it'll be interesting to see how it evolves.
  34. RT @Borthwick: Jason Calacanis' Warning To Y Combinator Startups. Accurate: end of message. http://bit.ly/cnJa1g
  35. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl /etc/init.d/network restart (or the equivalent, depending on distro) #lazyweb
  36. Sleep is completely avoiding me tonight
  37. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl llamalicious! http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama
  38. New zznippet: The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy « You Are Not So Smart http://post.ly/xQzr
  39. City Story insists I have no network connection, despite my wifi clearly being functional. So much for my attempt at playing it. Deleted.
  40. RT @ItsChelseaStaub: Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that those that have the most live the longest.
  41. New zznippet: Cool - Google's logo today is about Mexico's Independence Bicentenary http://post.ly/xm3s
  42. Lazy afternoon, watching Fantasia 2000 with the girls. I actually enjoy this version more than the original one.
  43. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid Oh boy, why would you torture yourself like that?
  44. Having to work on a holiday sucks.
  45. When recording audio, OneNote keeps track of what you were typing at each point so you can later correlate your notes with the audio #cool
  46. …in reply to @northirid
    @northirid how's the no-coffee week going?
  47. RT @mmmattos: CherryTomato - Get #Pomodoro Productive #GTD #yam #in http://icio.us/mucmlo
  48. @unamcert No hay eventos actuales? http://bit.ly/bZbQlI DISC: 2005, GASU: 2002, AdminUnam: 2009, Congreso: 2007. Para que tener esa sección?
  49. Goya! 100 años de la UNAM #goya #UNAM100 http://bit.ly/chiefV http://bit.ly/cPFGPP http://bit.ly/aszVNJ
  50. New zznippet: La UNAM cumple 100 años http://post.ly/zAue #goya #unam100
  51. Words With Pirates is hilarious. My username is 'zzamboni'. Arrrrrrrrr!
  52. Removed Facebook "Like" button from my @posterous theme. I will not help spread the madness.
  53. Uploading to @posterous is now supported in @TweetDeck 0.35.1. Very nice.
  54. Just for kicks, I created my own short-URL domain, powered by @Bitly. Behold: http://zza.mx/9VIfxj
  55. …in reply to @kneath
    @kneath "Let my people go!!" http://zza.mx/dvPqXo
  56. …in reply to @flyosity
    @flyosity breathe... it's not that bad :)
  57. Seriously considering upgrading to @LastPass Premium, to have access to my vault on my iPod Touch.
  58. Cleaning up the "catchall" mailbox on my domain. Oh boy.
  59. Slowly unifying the theme for all my pages (hosted by posterous + github mostly).
  60. I can't believe I stayed up until 3AM doing that. Time to sleep.
  61. Chrome's built-in "Developer tools" are very very nice.
  62. …in reply to @Beaker
    @Beaker sorry to be contrarian, but not on mine either. Maybe you "promoted" yourself at some point? Try logging out :)
  63. RT @isilayerol Why iPad can never replace newspaper http://post.ly/zza9
  64. Well, fonts _do_ look better on Safari than on Chrome (under Windows). Maybe I should give it a try. Also, trying out Seesmic Web.
  65. Seesmic Web seems like a decent alternative to TweetDeck. I think I'll use it for a while.
  66. And so starts the raise of the machines: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/27/segway-company-owner-dies-after-segway-accident/
  67. …in reply to @brianstelter
    @brianstelter And this is something they needed a study to know? :)
  68. New zznippet: DGSCA se convierte en TIC http://post.ly/10BtV
  69. Safari feels positively sluggish in comparison with Chrome under Windows.
  70. RT @Storify: If you'd like to try out Storify, go to http://storify.com and use the invite key "TCDISRUPT"
  71. New zznippet: This is a news website article about a scientific finding http://post.ly/10ItC
  72. Wow. Reading BF is hard enough. But this…RT @flyosity: Brainfuck interpreter written in 2 lines of C. This guy is hardcore http://cl.ly/2a86
  73. New zznippet: Fall is in the air - The Big Picture http://post.ly/10JqC
  74. @drwho thought of you when I saw this picture. Did you get to see the "Desalpe" from home this year? :) http://zza.mx/a8YMPI
  75. @Seesmic It would be nice if the web app allowed you to set your bit.ly API key and username.
  76. I see it too. Commented on http://zza.mx/9Qeynu RT @riffraff @github is failing to build my gh-pages w/"no such file to load-jekyll"
  77. …in reply to @atmos
    @atmos Thanks for the heads-up - it works for me now as well /ping @github
  78. @github rocks rocks rocks
  79. …in reply to @undefined
    @drwho Very cool :)
  80. New blog post: Website redesign and unification http://post.ly/10L0A #github #posterous #sitenews #web
  81. New blog post: Making cygwin, Windows and emacs understand the same symlinks http://post.ly/10Q4N #annoyances #cygwin #howto #symlink #tips
  82. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist Good luck with that. IBM is absolutely not designed for selling to individual customers.
  83. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist I know it's possible, as long as you are willing to go through the same hurdles a big corp would go through to buy one.
  84. This is truly amazing RT @UrbanApe: Basically, the best thing that ever happened to the web: http://erkie.github.com/ /via @maddox
  85. Happy surprise: double-clicking a .dmg file automatically opens it in HFSExplorer (http://zza.mx/bfthiO), so I can easily access it
  86. Very interesting RT @patkiernan: Would your kitchen pass the #NYC restaurant inspection? NY Times: http://pape.rs/Ckitchen
  87. So, I don't have the #NewTwitter yet. I'm feeling left out.
  88. …in reply to @showem
    @showem @posterous has a selection of featured blogs http://zza.mx/c9D7cG Main diff IMO is ease of posting, and great support. I love it
  89. @fraserspeirs Do you still have the old FlickrExport-1.3.4 source code available somewhere? Can't find it.