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Tweets for 2010-08

  1. …in reply to @omarepps
    @omarepps awaiting anxiously for it!
  2. …in reply to @funkatron
    @funkatron Normally I don't, just to keep history intact.
  3. I just bought the paid version of Words with Friends. It's that awesome.
  4. I discovered today that github now allows custom domains for free accounts.
  5. I don't thinks it was always like this, right? Used to be for paid accts only. But I'm not complaining, it's an awesome feature.
  6. Migrated my static web pages from github+GAE+drydrop to just @github. Much easier and faster. I love github.
  7. West Lafayette on Failblog http://post.ly/rDrH
  8. Catharsis http://post.ly/rLnx
  9. Of course tonight, of all nights, the sky is completely covered with clouds #perseids
  10. Did Chrome update itself? Appearance changed,version is now 6.0.472.33beta,can't remember what it was before. Never asked me about it,though
  11. …in reply to @cakewrecks
    @cakewrecks Cool photos!
  12. Really should go to sleep now.
  13. Finished moving one of my projects from SF ( http://grabcartoons.sf.net/ ) to github ( http://zzamboni.org/grabcartoons/ ). Wheee!
  14. Now I just need to update the old page to point to the new one. Will need to go hunting in the SF docs for how to do that.
  15. @jmechner I used to play Karateka for hours on end in my C64. Thanks for the game! It's one of my favorites of all time.
  16. RT @khreez: RT @chillicoder: Comunidad mexicana de Ruby on Rails - Rails.mx - http://is.gd/egmiU <= no se olviden ¡los esperamos!
  17. The new git-powered wiki mechanism in @github looks amazing: http://github.com/blog/699-making-github-more-open-git-backed-wikis
  18. …in reply to @undefined
    @Darknater I know, it's scary :-)
  19. Deploying multiple environments on Heroku (while still hosting code on Github) http://post.ly/rhRF
  20. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Oooh that must've hurt. Reminds me when I sold my Z4. Sad, sad day.
  21. Had a great afternoon with good friends, homemade lasagna, beer and wine. Awesome.
  22. …in reply to @leune
    @leune But of course, your kid will _also_ be pumped full of sugar... ;-)
  23. Very noisy construction work across the street - the side which my home office faces. I should go work somewhere else today.
  24. The Macintosh Way available for free: http://bit.ly/aStsSw
  25. Updated server and service setup http://post.ly/s9BA
  26. Public APIs availability - uptime and down time - slow performance http://post.ly/s9kp
  27. Installing AucTeX on EmacsW32 on Win7/64bit http://post.ly/sDyx
  28. Damn, look at the time. I should really go to sleep now.
  29. I just cannot take myself seriously when writing using MS Word. Switch to Emacs+LaTeX, and my mindset changes completely, I'm all business.
  30. Emulate vi's % command (jump to matching parenthesis) in Emacs http://post.ly/sWQn
  31. "There's a LaTeX package for that". Case in point: dirtree http://bit.ly/9dstlw very useful.
  32. RT @DeepFresh: RT @matthewsorvaag: RT @ChuckNorrisAU Chuck Norris invented cloud computing when he threw his laptop into the clouds #aut ...
  33. I failed to tweet this a few days ago: new grabcartoons v2.6 after almost 2yrs! Plus project moved from SF to github http://bit.ly/aNSOI7
  34. ...aaand, another grabcartoons release (2.7) just now: http://bit.ly/aNSOI7
  35. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf Have you tried @1Password? Very very nice pw management system.
  36. …in reply to @TheRealSpaf
    @TheRealSpaf I currently use @LastPass (on Win), which has the advantage of being multiplatform, but 1P, being Mac-specific, has nicer UI
  37. When I start to see Europe wake up on Twitter, it means it's too late here. Good night.
  38. Learning about gitolite http://bit.ly/9vIsCk from Pro Git http://bit.ly/bYIZqI. Looks very nice, very powerful.
  39. Why I'm still happy I deleted my FB account RT @BadAstronomer: How to disable the latest privacy stupidity by Facebook: http://bit.ly/bIBemE
  40. …in reply to @chacon
    @chacon I'd be happy to help.
  41. Grabcartoons v2.7 http://post.ly/sh74
  42. …in reply to @wimremes
    @wimremes "Mac CLI", as in the Unix shell, or what do you mean?
  43. Just realized I haven't read @slashdot in a while. Do I miss it? Not really. I now have twitter to keep me entertained and procrastinating.
  44. "West Wing" - Biblical Quotes http://post.ly/skFI
  45. New zznippet: US Chamber: Equal Pay “a Fetish for Money,” Women Should “Choose the Right Partner at Home” http://post.ly/spv1
  46. The "Git Branching" chapter of Git Pro is very good. I think I finally really understood branching, merging and rebasing. Thanks @chacon.
  47. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl @TheRealGeekGrrl ;-)
  48. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl Maybe I should rename my twitter account to @TheRealZZamboni
  49. RT @Viper007Bond: OH: Intel CEO: "We need anti-virus, can someone buy me McAfee?" Few hours later: "Done." "Great, which version?" "Vers ...
  50. New zznippet: Pixar How We Do It http://post.ly/tElg
  51. New blog post: Installing cfengine on Windows 7 under cygwin http://post.ly/tEvF #windowscfenginehowto
  52. …in reply to @Documentally
    @Documentally It's called YouTube. I can find pretty much every show I watched as a kid (even in Mexico) there. And I do show my kids.
  53. New blog post: Implementing "single-copy nirvana" in cfengine3 http://post.ly/tFSP #cfengine
  54. @nico_charles @smerril You can also compile cfengine under Windows. You lose some advanced Win features, but it works: http://post.ly/tEvF
  55. Enough cfengine tinkering for one night. School starts tomorrow, must wake up early to take the girls to school.
  56. @posterous' magic handling of gist URLs is very nice, an easy way to include code in a post. It'd be great if it could autopost code to gist
  57. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist Do any of your patients follow you on Twitter? I'm just wondering how "honest commentary" like you do would go with them
  58. I wish my doctors were this geeky :-) RT @doctorlinguist: updating a MacPorts Portfile between patients is a little bit stressful.
  59. I'd been using Seesmic for Windows, switched to TweetDeck yesterday. So far I'm liking it better.
  60. RT @SecurityHumor: While MITM (Man in the Middle) exploits may be subtle, IAEE (Idiot At Either End) attacks can be far more satisfying.
  61. Just noticed that TweetDeck has support for LinkedIn - maybe now I'll keep my LI status updated more often.
  62. …in reply to @stevelodin
    @stevelodin Of course not. But currently I *never* update my LI status.
  63. …in reply to @Scobleizer
    @Scobleizer Sorry to hear about your son's autism diagnostic. I wish your family strength, patience and unity.
  64. #lazytweet Alguna tienda de accesorios para rasurar (buenas navajas, brochas, cremas, ej. Geo F. Trumper) en Mexico?
  65. New blog post: Detecting NICs that match certain IP addresses http://post.ly/tQUW #cfengine
  66. Another late night, these are starting to affect me during the day (I get crankier than usual). Going to sleep now.
  67. …in reply to @wimremes
    @wimremes I like TweetDeck better than Seesmic Desktop so far. I like that tweets in users' profiles are "first class" (you can reply, etc.)
  68. …in reply to @dinodaizovi
    @dinodaizovi It's always fun to see old vulnerabilities are still alive. Sometimes it seems we have not learned anything in 20 years.
  69. RT @cnnexpansion: El #iPhone 4 llega a #México el 27 de agosto http://exp.mx/n002L4M
  70. @Telcel El iPhone4 va a estar disponible en Sanborns? Existe una lista de lugares donde va a estar a la venta el viernes? Se puede reservar?
  71. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl @danphilpott Ob. xkcd reference: http://xkcd.com/386/
  72. Con suerte, me hago de un iPhone4 este viernes, falta averiguar donde lo van a tener a la venta /cc @Telcel
  73. Testing twitter/yammer integration #yam
  74. …in reply to @HootsuiteMobile
    @Seesmic also, apps should not crash no matter what the server sends ;-)
  75. New zznippet: A sample cfengine policy http://post.ly/tbif
  76. …in reply to @esteban
    @esteban Has probado Gentoo? No se que version sea default,pero puedes tener varias en paralelo es una distro muy buena http://bit.ly/b81cQO
  77. New blog post: cfengine Community Open Body Promise Library on GitHub http://post.ly/tcmw
  78. New blog post: Editing whitespace-separated config files with cfengine http://post.ly/tcqb #cfengine #copbl
  79. @Telcel el iPhone4 va a estar a la venta en algun Sanborns el jueves/viernes?
  80. @tswicegood Congrats on the new book! RT @pragprog: Pragmatic Guide series: Pragmatic Guide to Git http://pp-grb.com/r/2g98m
  81. …in reply to @funkatron
    @funkatron Possible material for http://bit.ly/98Edkf ?
  82. Wondering if I should code a cfengine plugin for pygments (http://pygments.org/)
  83. New blog post: The State of Open Source System Automation http://post.ly/toYp #bcfg2 #cfengine #chef #configurationmanagement #puppet
  84. RT @TheRealSpaf: I'm the new Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's Computers & Security http://snipr.com/j-cose We're looking for good contribut ...
  85. New zznippet: Trying out The Pomodoro Technique http://post.ly/tt0R
  86. Newspapers here say that in Sep there'll be new iPhone4 model to fix antenna probs. True? Hadn't heard about it http://bit.ly/bU0kcJ (in Sp)
  87. …in reply to @Telcel
    @Telcel Va a haber venta en Sanborns, como se indico en las noticias? En que sucursales?
  88. So far the Pomodoro Technique seems to be working fine, got a lot done today.
  89. New blog post: Hierarchical copying with cfengine3 http://post.ly/tzef #cfengine #tips
  90. …in reply to @mckeay
    @mckeay When I see any Office programs in a resume, I'm thinking "doesn't have anything better to put there", loses points immediately
  91. #lazytweet If I sync a new iPhone with iTunes, will it automatically transfer settings/music/apps from my iPod Touch? Thanks.
  92. With any luck, I'll have a new iPhone 4 tomorrow :-)
  93. :( iPhone4 that was supposed to be reserved for me today was not there. They promised one for tomorrow, hopefully it'll be there this time.
  94. New zznippet: GeekTyrant - News - Fan Made SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY Trailer http://post.ly/uaLu
  95. And, come Monday, I'm still iPhone4-less. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  96. The Pomodoro Technique is still working well for me. I find it easier than (10+2)*5, which I have also tried http://bit.ly/ddtaCl #gtd
  97. New zznippet: Science, Reason and Critical Thinking: Modern Science Map http://post.ly/un1m
  98. QOTD: 'These systems are “standards-based” , which means they are interoperable with other system of the same type.'