Tweets for 2010-07
Microsoft Word truly is a nightmare. I'd much rather be producing this document in LaTeX.
Se que voy con retraso, pero que goliza! #arg #ger
Watching MI-3 on TV. Not as bad as MI2, not as good as the first one.
RT @rands: A weird Orwellian reality:
RT @GutterMagazine: In 'Back to the Future', Doc sets clock in the DeLorean to a day 25 years in the future. Today is that day.
@iPodDanny Reposting old material?
Cellphone data line tethering FTW. I would be disconnected without it at the moment.
The imagery :) RT @vkoser I managed to get dogs face unstuck but does anyone have cleaning tips for removing superglue from black leather?
Cool! "Our very own @doctorlinguist talking gopher on ars" /via @vkoser
Starting to feel the effects of sitting on a hard chair in a cold datacenter since 11AM this morning, and having forgotten my jacket #ouch
@apisanty Ha de ser la que tuvimos aqui en Qro ayer y anteayer, que ya llegó por alla. #lluevellueve
Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning
GO SPAIN! #spa #ger
GOAL from Spain! GO GO GO #esp #ger
I am so happy that Spain won. Spain vs Netherlands will be a great final.
I learned a lot in the last few days about SAN storage. Interesting stuff! Successfully configured a few RHEL servers for SAN boot even :-)
Sadly, both products might actually sell very well :-) RT @TheOnion Apple will roll out the iStore ...
@Beaker Maybe copy-paste into MS Word or OpenOffice, then save as HTML?
@doctorlinguist I've always thought that must be the hardest part of being a doctor. How do you give someone news like that?
I hadn't visited the google home page in a while - happy to see they got rid of the fugly background images, by default at least.
Layer 8: The exception IS the rule
Rooting for #esp. They've missed quite a few already!
Is this a soccer or a wrestling match? #esp #hol
Both teams have played horribly today, but I still think #esp should win this one. After all, Paul the Octopus said so.
Come on #esp, stop missing them!
Who will win if this goes to penalty shootout? I say #ned
I'm watching the #worldcup final on the Internet, with ~2min delay. I should stop watching twitter if I want to avoid any spoilers.
Well deserved win! #ESP Euro champions 2008, World champions 2010
Fully agree “@fraserspeirs: As long as I live, I will never understand how this isn't a red card:”
Wordpress 3.0 looks very cool, but I'm happy I don't have to worry about upgrades, plugins, etc. Happy with @posterous.
@davideisert And this something you didn't know already? ;-)
@jamiepinkham seems to provide a few links. According to only older ..
RT @Beaker: "Because...the Cloud can't talk..." < Reminded of who's really the geekiest person in the Hoff ...
RT @adamriggins: Jewel Sings Her Own Songs at Karaoke in Disguise :
RT @FastCompany: The Team Who Made @OldSpice Smell Good Again Reveals What's Behind Mustafa's Towel
@cakewrecks have you considered moving to @posterous? It's a very nice system (I'm just a happy user)
Had a very nice stargazing moment in the backyard. @StarWalk is a great application.
RT @librarythingtim: I just got Rickrolled by a font! (via @LbGilbert)
Anchoring Effect « You Are Not So Smart
10 big ideas from GTD