Tweets for 2010-06
Identify the IT consultant: (via web-heads )
The IBM Muppet Show
D8 Video: Apple CEO Steve Jobs on Adobe Flash
A Services Menu for iPhone
The Just-World Fallacy
Oh boy. I REALLY want an iPhone 4. Can't wait until it's available here.
I love 1Password being avail for Win, but it's still too early for me to be able to use it. I complain bc I'd love to switch back to it :)
@geekgrrl i vote for facepalm
Finally watching the iPhone 4 keynote. This will finally be the time to get an iPhone :-)
Site improvements
Watched Toy Story 3 today with the family. It's nice and entertaining, the animation is incredibly well done.
RT @tekkub: I can't be productive anymore, now that I've been introduced to
@mattgemmell Is your regular SIM still active, or are you phoneless until Thursday?
@zrlram Be glad you weren't in North Korea's shoes earlier today... 7-0 is harsh.
@mattgemmell Cool - I wonder if this is standard for all microSIM cards, I could swap now, even though iPhone4 will not be here until Sep.
Downloading #iOS4 for my iPod Touch now.
Almost there... progress bar on iPod 1/3rd through... #iOS4
Oh boy, reboot complete, upgrade successful #iOS4 New toy
Seems you can only put 12 apps in a folder in #iOS4
Every once in a while I have to reinstall all the apps my 2yo daughter accidentally deletes from my iPod Touch while playing with it.
@geekgrrl I was hoping for unlimited, with a scrollbar. You get 12 because you lose one row for the folder icon, which stays at the top.
@wimremes Mine doesn't just because she can't type my AppStore password yet :-)
Folders in iOS4
@Darknater On my Touch it didn't need to restore anything (not that I noticed at least). Maybe it's different for iPhones?
@Darknater I have a 3Mbps/dl connection at home. It's not all that great. I'm in Queretaro.
@Niki7a don't worry, you will start developing loud-sound immunity in a few months :-)
The iBooks PDF reader looks nice so far. I think I like it better than Stanza's.
Go get'em! RT @posterous launches new tools to switch from dying platforms:One new importer per day for the next 15 days
@Darknater i'd say rt'ing just the original is fine, which is what you did. So we're cool :)
@tarasis I believe most carriers now allow you to swap sim for microsim, keeping your same line, for little or no cost.
@ngmoco GodFinger: Long, unskippable signup with bad controls to plus+ before any hint of the game is available? AYKM? Deleted.
I'm so happy for both #jpn and #svk, good job!
RT @AmyJane: He's home with his phone and lots of booze and he's seriously a little delirious.
Agreed RT @tswicegood I'm impressed that @posterous swtchd gears today with their most recent switch post. The tone is much more appropriate
I'm happy for them but jealous of all the people getting iPhone 4's today. I still have to wait until September to get it.
Trying to copy a table from a ppt document, I discover it's not a table, it's a collection of separate lines, and text boxes. WTF?
@geekgrrl Apparently. Wanted to copy as table object. I'll copy it as image, but it boggles the mind how much time someone spent drawing it.
@fraserspeirs You could wear a white one and say you're honoring Michael Jackson ;-)
@apisanty De acuerdo. He sabido de proyectos que cumplen con todos sus "entregables" sin haber hecho nada de valor.
Patent pending. NEW iPhone 4 antenna booster!...
These are awesome! RT @rands: Grid based home screen backgrounds for the iPhone:
@vkoser I like the black one. The effect When you open a folder and the other apps fade into the grid is incredible.
@geekgrrl your twitter avatar seems very appropriate for that tweet :)
#Arg vs #Mex tomorrow means trouble at home. Who to root for? I'll be watching with my whole family-in-law, prob. should go for #Mex :)
GO GHANA! #gha #worldcup
That was definitely a goal from #eng in the first time against #ger. Big mistake from the ref
It's stupid that the referee cannot go check a replay before making a decision #eng #worldcup
Well, that sort of negates any advantage the missed goal would've given #eng
That last goal was beautifully done, caught #eng defense completely off-guard
Error del arbitro, error de jugador y dos buenos goles. #mex comenzó bien pero se desinflo. #arg #mex
RT @rands: MSFT realizes people will pay for good design: #its2010people
@apisanty Les Luthiers, hacía cuánto que no los veía! Ahi va mi noche, viendo videos.
@apisanty Una de mis favoritas:
Rands In Repose: How to Write a Book
@aramra les luthiers son geniales. Busca cartas de color, la tanda, la bella y graciosa moza, el adelantado don Rodrigo, son clásicos
@Twitpic This is just ridiculous: grow up and face the competition! /cc @posterous
@geekgrrl I know I said it already, but your avatar cracks me up when I see it with tweets like this :-) Sorry I can't help with ink removal