Tweets for 2010-05
Plants vs Zombies & Bejeweled 2 freshly installed on my iPod. My life is over.
Starting VirtualCenter automatically when it fails to start #windowsxp #virtualcenter #vmware
Avatar Blu-Ray DVD on LG BD370 player
The Zomboni
Cory Doctorow: Persistence Pays Parasites
The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook and why I'm dropping off #facebook #privacy
Hmm... 1Password has now a beta for Windows. Should I stay with LastPass, or switch back? I love 1P, but love the multi-platformness of LP
@ambermac Why a PDF with links, and not just the links? Makes no sense to switch back and forth between PDF reader and browser.
@stevelodin Looks nice (and free). How well does it integrate with web browsers? (e.g. to auto-fill login forms)
@stevelodin So how do you use it,look up the passwords and then manually type them? I find integration indispensable in both 1P and LastPass
hates it when people tweet in third person. #petpeeve
@AskSeesmic Any plans to add Posterous as an image-posting service? Would be very cool.
My latest speedtest results
@AskSeesmic I just did. Curiously, Seesmic is listed here: but I can't find the option in Seesmic/Win
A Moment in Time - Interactive Feature
@leolaporte I should have listened to your advice on TWiT. I started playing Plants vs Zombies, and now I can't stop.
Trying out free shell provider (@wolfman). The service looks nice, the registration process was quick and painless.
Just finished setting up my new home office. I feel like a kid with a new toy.
Just installed 4GB extra on my laptop, for a total of 6GB. Not too shabby :-)
New job responsibilities. Very exciting, though also overwhelming at first. Big learning curve ahead.
@DocDamo Windows 7. Granted, with 6GB of RAM it's still Windows, but it's not that bad.
@geekgrrl Thanks!
Another conf call
@avlieshout there's a compatibility matrix somewhere in the VMware Web site. I seem to remember that combination is Ok.
Hail Storm Oklahoma City
Deleting my Facebook account
@funkatron What's wrong with it? I was about to upgrade.
@funkatron At least I thought so, before realizing it's not (yet?) in the Mexican app store
I've said this before, and will say it again. ssh is SUCH a cool, powerful and useful tool.
@SifuMoraga Who says?
Brief moment of panic after pressing Return on rm cmd and realizing I hadn't double-checked it, and it was operating on Very Important Files
Happily, everything was correct
@Beaker Now go have an Espeto corrido for dinner :-)
@Jason tks for the follow. I enjoy your appearances on TWiT and elsewhere. BTW, I committed FB suicide earlier today:
I really should go to sleep. Big meetings tomorrow, plus travel.
Trying to get my brain around a cfengine + git setup I'm designing (cfengine automatically checking stuff out of git). Cool but mind-melting
@BadAstronomer You thought they were seeing it for the compelling storyline? ;-)
RT @bauxring: The Tragic Cost of Google Pac-Man – 4.82 million hours via. RescueTime Blog
@letter_d Wordpress? ..
Estoy vendiendo mi carro: algun interesado? #forsale
In times like this I miss my Mac RT @culturedcode TT 1.5 is released. Create and mng Areas of Resp, create mxd projects
I'm sure there are people who look at an MS Project file and go "Right. It's clear how the project is going". I'm not one of them (yet?).
@geekgrrl I need that module myself ;-)
I just got 173 points in Fruit Ninja's new Zen Mode, with a delicious 6 strawberry combo!