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Tweets for 2010-04

  1. the free @digg app comes to your iphone! to celebrate they're giving out 1 custom #ipad each day for 2 weeks! http://bit.ly/diggapp
  2. …in reply to @levifig
    @levifig I'd be happy to help, but unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac at the moment. If there's an error msg, can you send it to me?
  3. Tiobe Index: C back at #1 http://post.ly/YZEv #development #languages #objc #programming #statistics
  4. Installing Windows XP in Vmware ESX - "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer." | TechH... http://post.ly/YZIQ
  5. Sachin's guide to buying an iPad http://post.ly/YZQL
  6. Queretaro: Internet Cerca de Todos http://post.ly/YwQR
  7. Ross sisters - Solid Potato Salad (VHS quality) http://post.ly/YwWx
  8. Setting up my GTD system in Windows - links http://post.ly/Z90C #gtd #onenote #outlook #productivity
  9. Trying out pluggio.com. Looks nice, though I'm in general wary of web-based twitter clients. Thanks @justinvincent for the invitation.
  10. Just discovered my home router's "Internet" IP addr is in fact a 10. addr, so I'm being double-NATed #damn
  11. There goes my plan to ssh into my home machine from the outside by creating a port map on my home router.
  12. …in reply to @undefined
    @esteban @DrScofield Problem is, I don't have access at the moment to a server on the outside that I could use as a jump point.
  13. …in reply to @esteban
    @esteban Sadly, I bought a WRT160Nv2 without looking first - it's one of the few NOT supported by dd-wrt and similar.
  14. …in reply to @esteban
    @esteban Still wouldn't help me, since I'd need the port mapping on my ISP's router. Most likely route is to get an external server somehow.
  15. It's late and I'm tired, if I keep messing with my home router I'll make a mistake I will regret later. Going to bed.
  16. Meet The iPad Developers - Message To Mac Customers http://post.ly/a8ih
  17. Army Creates Fleet of Robots On Segways! | Singularity Hub http://post.ly/aALd
  18. …in reply to @undefined
    @sebitas but not all cable providers do that! I guess it makes sense from their POV but still sucks
  19. I'm really liking Vyatta community edition. The documentation is REALLY good.
  20. The corporate IT police found me and my unofficial Win7 install. Now I have to install the official "Early Adopter" version.
  21. Which is not bad at all (the official image is x64, includes a bunch of SW), only it needs a huge download and a reinstall of my machine.
  22. #damn RT @daringfireball: Apple Announces One-Month Delay for International iPad Sales: http://✪df.ws/f15
  23. I found a solution for my double-NAT problem: gotomypc.com, which does what I need. Thanks @leolaporte for the ad in TWIT. Marketing works.
  24. …in reply to @nappyt52
    @TNicholson Maybe one of these works: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259091/how-can-i-scrape-an-html-table-to-csv
  25. …in reply to @nappyt52
    @TNicholson Or this: http://www.cs.iupui.edu/~aharris/H2Text.html
  26. octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it (while it's Recording) http://post.ly/beE0
  27. Planes or Volcano? http://post.ly/begl
  28. …in reply to @sestinable
    @girlinblack Good luck in your defense! May your presentation go well and your committee be in a good mood.
  29. HTML5 presentation http://post.ly/blpM
  30. Finally doing a much-needed GTD review. So much stuff.
  31. Congrats! RT @garrytan: Honored! Sachin, Brett, and I got named in BusinessWeek's Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs of 2010 http://post.ly/bmXk
  32. Still struggling with managing #GTD projects on Outlook. ForeSight looks nice http://www.fixyourtodolist.com/ Any thoughts?
  33. Problem with Foresight is it's a bit opaque (uninstall and lot of metadata goes away), it's unsupported, thought it works fine with OL2010
  34. oooh, and just saw: "Foresight will not run in any 64-Bit versions of Microsoft Outlook." that's a deal-breaker for me
  35. …in reply to @sestinable
    @girlinblack Congratulations!
  36. Gorgeous nightscape timelapse | Bad Astronomy http://post.ly/c1JN
  37. In my quest for GTD in Outlook, found Jello Dashboard http://jello-dashboard.net/forum/ Looks very nice, probably what I need
  38. …in reply to @undefined
    @nicksiv Though I just started using it in OL2010 beta and it works fine so far
  39. RT @ileanarte: ME ACABAN DE ASALTAR!!!! Me robaron una suburban negra placas MDH 1973 si alguien la ve avise a la policia, en la gas de ...
  40. Know your tools http://post.ly/cHIo #networking #tools #windows
  41. How important are the tools you use with GTD? http://post.ly/cLql #gtd #productivity #tools
  42. David Allen Getting Things Done | DCGTD http://post.ly/cdtZ
  43. My 4yo,on hearing that mom&dad will die someday,like everyone else: "but, but...who will then put the cartoons on TV for me?" #thingskidssay
  44. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl indeed, that's her just being practical :-)
  45. It's a shame facebook didn't buy palm. facepalm would be so much more apt. /via @bileblog
  46. Trying out Seesmic for Windows. Looks nice so far.
  47. Thoughts on Flash http://post.ly/e2g8
  48. Finally watched Avatar last night, on DVD with my wife. All I can say is: Wow. Awesome movie. I wish I could have watched it in big screen.
  49. RT @BadAstronomer: Oh, man: gamma-ray 'scope destroyed in ballon mishap. Video is pretty dramatic (via @NoisyAstronomer): http://is.gd/bNjdo
  50. I just deactivated my Facebook account. I feel liberated.