zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2010-02

  1. Awesome camouflage http://thinkorthwim.com/2007/08/19/1034/
  2. Procrastination http://post.ly/M5T3
  3. Reading @cfengine_nova's "Special Topic Guides". Good stuff.
  4. Google's first Super Bowl ad. Awesome. Google search influences so many decisions we make in life - Sachin's web ar... http://post.ly/MqAr
  5. I'm tweeting using the Internet connectivity on a bus. We do live in the future.
  6. Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable http://theoatmeal.com/comics/printers from @Oatmeal
  7. Fraser Speirs - Future Shock http://post.ly/NFqU
  8. GraphViz is so cool
  9. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Virtual data center capacity & fault tolerance analysis using graphviz as a visualization tool, aided by ruby :-)
  10. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram sadly I can't share details. Mostly visualizing VM distributions over physical hosts. I may use some treemaps as well :)
  11. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram I live ~2.5 hrs driving from Mexico city, and i'm often there for work. When are you coming?
  12. Working late today. At least I am home with a nice glass of wine.
  13. …in reply to @undefined
    @drwho Ah, the memories...
  14. A meme is born. http://post.ly/OKTl #development #security #software
  15. Must-Have Windows Software (or Windows Programs that I use) - good coders code, great reuse http://post.ly/OKXt #reference #software #tips
  16. Trying out Google Buzz + Posterous http://post.ly/ONsq
  17. ShadyURL http://post.ly/Oeyl
  18. Upgraded to Office 2010 beta. So far so good, Outlook imported my account configuration correctly.
  19. How to make the LG BD370 region-free http://post.ly/PELw
  20. How to Suck at Facebook - The Oatmeal http://post.ly/PGMe
  21. Using Emacs 23.1.1 on Vista, hangs up (fr ~20 seconds) every few minutes when I type or save anything. VERY annoying. Any ideas? #lazytweet
  22. …in reply to @ax0n
    @ax0n I _know_. Like I don't dislike vista enough without you needing to rub it in :-p
  23. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl @ax0n emacs forever! #holywar
  24. …in reply to @bauxring
    @bauxring I/O is my guess too, but i'm only using local disk. Can't figure out what's causing it.