Tweets for 2009-10
Got call from my wife to tell me we now have the official you-are-leaving-Switzerland letters from the Gemeinde. No turning back now, people
@sebitas On the contrary, it's quite on the plan:
Shocked to tears - how can anyone do things like these? RT @parent_tweets: nursery worker found guilty of child abuse
@lulugirl896 Don't light a match, just in case.
Awesome: Liu Bolin...The Invisible Man:
Very true. RT @hotdogsladies: Nothing like a sick kid to make you forget how you don't believe in prayer.
@ifcorey I've had that happen sporadically. Normally turning Airport off-on fixes it (reconnects properly when turning it back on).
Removed the last DNS entries for pointing to my old server - waiting for them to propagate. Nervous.
@DedRyzing The whole thing is even better:
Pizza and a movie at home
Awesome day with my family, and it's only lunchtime yet. Next: Bruno-Webers sculpture park
After the migration (and shutting down my old blog) I realized I failed to mirror the RSS feed. GReader to the rescue:
@fraserspeirs I'd be curious what your reply to those emails is :-)
Finished emptying two of my four office filing cabinets. It's liberating to throw away so much stuff at once.
Gyrowheel by Gyrobike interbike 2009
Tango - The Big Picture
Terminator - How It Should End
Working at home, watching the girls play. It's great fun for them now that the youngest can walk too :-)
My free @Dropbox account now includes an 8GB bonus!? Wow, very nice.
Learned something new today RT @mattgemmell: Shift+Option+VolumeUp/Down keys = fine-grained volume adjustment.
Also: Shift-Volume up/down - volume adjustment without the audible clicks.
@guyro A bit convoluted, but you could do it through Posterous with auto-posting to delicious.
@guyro Doesn't bookmark the original link though, rather the post at - I have bugged them about it already :-)
@tarasis No idea-noticed status said "x% of 10GB used". When I set up DB on another machine, all the choices in the wizard said "+8GB bonus"
Doing a much needed update and cleanup of the RAID web page:
If it's plain now, you should've seen it before :-)
xkcd - A Webcomic - Scary
I'm scanning+shredding everything just for completeness, but there are some old class notes I'd rather just shred. I'm looking at you, CS514
After much investigation into Evernote, Google Docs, etc., in the end I'm just using Dropbox to store my scanned documents.
Drives On What Side?
@SifuMoraga Unless you are left-handed :-)
The three big sofas have now been sold. *phew* I thought they would never go, and would've been a shame to throw them away.
Just discovered that the cp command in Snow Leopard now includes the -a option, although it's not exactly equivalent to the one in Linux
The search bar needs a "with" option, that shows messages from or to that person.
ZISC 2009 workshop (Virtualization/Cloud security) session recordings are now available: #zisc09
@mattgemmell Why would "discontinue" be a weasel word? Its meaning is clear and unambiguous, same as stop, end, terminate, etc.
RT @pvinod: Finally! - now you CAN delete an application at Google App engine!
@sergio_avila Asi es, profesor:
@Shrdlu @vkoser By the way, the NeXT has been sold. It's going to Austria now :-)
GitHub + Drydrop + Google App Engine is very very cool for hosting static web pages. Thanks @ryanwi for the tip.
.@vincentcorwin Looks like a human, but is an advertising bot that spammed me just because I mentioned "hosting". B-bye, blocked.
@jeremyvisser You could use grep --context=10000 (or some other really large number, larger than the number of lines ..
@tegola ..
I really like the Genius Mixes feature in iTunes. I wish there was a way to see the current contents of each playlist.
@mronge I would be very interested!
On the train to Bern again, this time to get our household goods declaration signed.
Less than 2 weeks before the move. Strange feeling.
Arriving in zurich
The movers are here
Starting the last week in Switzerland. The movers are gone, stuff is being sold, the house is getting emptier by the moment!
Packed and ready to go
@DocDamo Yes: This is my last week in Switzerland
Selling our bed in (Swiss ebay-like site), 4 minutes to go, competition is stiff, who will get it?
@DocDamo :-) Not much to read in my blog really, mostly some tips and other things I don't want to forget.
@DocDamo Cool, please let me know what you think of it! I still like it, although there's many things that I would approach differently now.
@ikawnoclast VMware Fusion works quite nicely for me.
@ikawnoclast Sounds fascinating - wish I could watch it from here.
Downloading YouTube videos for the long flight home. It's going to be an interesting flight, with a 3- and a 1-year-old.
@DocDamo Thx - we have booked seats, and we'll try getting better ones (bulkhead) at check-in time.
Walking to work
Had my farewell lunch today at work. I'm going to miss this bunch of people.
@Shrdlu I'm moving back to Mexico. For more of the story:
Had a delightful pizza lunch with my wife and a good friend. Now, off to the office.
Anyone has a Google Wave invite you may want to share with me?
Had my final meeting with my manager, cleared out most of my office. A bit sad.
@sergio_avila gracias prof. Ya me mandaron una.
@latone Moving back to Mexico - tomorrow is my last day at ZRL. I'll announce the new job once I actually start there :-)
@DrScofield Thanks!
@SifuMoraga Thanks!
On my way to my last day at work. Mostly to finish paperwork, say goodbyes, return my Mac, and leave early to finish packing for Sunday
Today was not a good day to forget my badge at home. Happily, after a moment of anxiety, I realized I didn't :)
Thanks for the good wishes @zrlram @latone @DrScofield @SifuMoraga @sergio_avila @Shrdlu @DocDamo @vkoser @bauxring #followfriday
Stepping out me the ZRL building for the last time as an employee. What a strange, strange feeling.
Finally caved and got myself an iPod Touch. Should be sleeping instead of playing…
What am intense day, physically and emotionally. We are now moved out of the apt., keys turned in. Tomorrow, the actual 15-hour trip.
This is it - boarding the plane to Mexico. So long Switzerland, it was good knowing you, but I'm happy to go.