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Tweets for 2009-09

  1. Snow Leopard installed, everything seems to be good so far. Even Lotus Notes seems to be working correctly. Had to redo dovecot's pam conf.
  2. Colors in Snow Leopard seem more saturated than before. Is it only my 2AM impression?
  3. …in reply to @bricooke
    @bricooke Thanks, good to know I'm not seeing things. I actually like the new setting.
  4. Impressive coordination. Laptops, iPhones stolen in Apple Store robbery, caught on video: http://bit.ly/Tnm6
  5. iStat Menus 2.0 is out, with Snow Leopard support. Good, I was missing it a lot: http://www.islayer.com/apps/istatmenus/
  6. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I use Caffeine, still seems to work fine
  7. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser No, it doesn't keep it awake on lid close.
  8. Found a box with all my class notes from Purdue. Decided to scan them. Anyone knows of good OCR sw/svc to make them searchable?
  9. My first thought was Evernote, but it only analyzes PDFs for premium accounts.
  10. …in reply to @SifuMoraga
    @SifuMoraga Thx. Prob no good for my notes: "input image should be a TEXT BLOCK image...clear background, without any dirt around the texts"
  11. …in reply to @rickdob
    @rickdob Maybe I will. How good is the OCR? Does it reliably interpret handwritten text? Thanks.
  12. Weirdest thing - my MBP would not recognize either kbd after reboot (except for Ctrl-# for Spaces!?) until I put it to sleep and back.
  13. Oldest daughter back to school after a week sick. Now the youngest is sick. Got it from the same friend who brought chickenpox. Damn kid.
  14. …in reply to @wimremes
    @wimremes They got chickenpox at ~3yr/9mo respectively. Now they got a strong flu. I agree, It's truly awful as a parent.
  15. Kudos to Apache for detailed, open report of what happened: http://bit.ly/ibhQs (via The Register http://bit.ly/3KRXTh )
  16. Concerned about privacy? Move to Google's opt-out village http://bit.ly/N20d6
  17. Going home http://post.ly/4IqR
  18. Going home http://bit.ly/zsC1I
  19. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Thanks! We are very happy/nervous/busy :-)
  20. …in reply to @cerias
    @cerias Thanks! Hopefully it'll be a lot easier to find my way to Indiana now.
  21. Oops, came home to join a conference call, only to discover that X-Lite doesn't work on Snow Leopard yet. Any VoIP sw recommendations?
  22. I'm getting rid of my self-managed server for now. Migrating my blog, to Wordpress.com or to Posterous? I'm torn.
  23. Posterous makes it so easy to post and is just cool. Wordpress has CMS powers (easy to maintain my whole website with WP, as I currently do)
  24. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Git is awfully cool. Couple it with GitHub, it's even cooler.
  25. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl Well, Posterous can automatically post everything to WP, but then I have the same content in two blogs - not ideal.
  26. I'm seeing a lot more spam in Mail.app since upgrading to SL - seems like it unlearned much of what had slowly learned over time.
  27. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I'll be doing that shortly - I'm switching my personal domain to gmail as part of my "IT simplification" before the move :-)
  28. So Apple added a camera to the iPod nano but not to the Touch? How very odd.
  29. Just finished setting up dual mail delivery for my domain, to Google Apps and to my current mail server. First step of the migration done.
  30. Attending today the 2009 ZISC workshop on Security in Virtualization and Cloud computing http://www.zisc.ethz.ch/events/workshop2009 #zisc09
  31. Earlier today, an excellent (if scary) talk by @gollmann about botnets as the largest example of cloud computing #zisc09
  32. Now, Kevin Skapinetz on the evolution of security threats and challenges, in the context of virtualization and cloud computing #zisc09
  33. @kskAp giving an overview of IBM/ISS research technologies and products about "virtualizing security" and "securing virtualization" #zisc09
  34. Hans Reiser (not the reiserfs guy) talking about using virtualization for fault tolerance #zisc09
  35. After lunch, a view into hypervisors from an OS-research perspective, by Timothy Roscoe #zisc09
  36. seL4 is the 1st gen-purpose OS kernel with a formal proof that the implementation is consistent with the spec http://bit.ly/FZQU2
  37. "Of Cold Steam, Mist and Vapour - A view from the Inside of the Cloud", by Dirk Kuhlman from HP Labs #zisc09
  38. Massimo Villari on the security impact of cloud computing in social networks #zisc09
  39. Peter Dickman from Google Zurich on cloud computing from the Google perspective #zisc09
  40. …in reply to @ak1010
    @ak1010 All (or most) of them will be made available later at http://www.zisc.ethz.ch/events/workshop2009
  41. About to start the last session of the ZISC'09 workshop #zisc09
  42. Giles Hogben from ENISA on preliminary results of their cloud computing risk assessment study #zisc09
  43. Lee Badger from NIST on using attack graphs, and other mechanisms for security metrics #zisc09
  44. The email delivery chain inside IBM is impressive. A message I got has 13 "Received:" headers _after_ entering ibm.com.
  45. Move of my two personal domains' email to Google Apps completed. Completely painless. #gonegoogle
  46. I find it annoying that many places do not allow the user of a plus sign in email addresses. I find it useful to separate email.
  47. Useful instructions for configuring IMAP for Gmail & Mail.app: http://bit.ly/ousqU
  48. "We're sorry, you deserved so much better" http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page20571
  49. Multi-document manipulation in Preview is very very nice. Is this new in Snow Leopard? Switching back to Preview from Skim for now.
  50. Posterous now supports theming!? How did I miss this until now? Awesome! #posterous
  51. @garrytan This is an awesome feature, and even better that you allow HTML/CSS customization. This may seal the deal... http://post.ly/5Ltn
  52. Massive cleanup of no-longer-applicable things in today's GTD weekly review, in the face of the upcoming move. Very liberating :-)
  53. Damn! Cable modem broke today at 5pm. Without internet or phone at home until tuesday at least :-(
  54. Trying Opera Mini 5 beta on my k800i. Pretty slick.
  55. Where are all my neighbors' Wifi networks when I need them? ;-)
  56. Chocolate brioches from Sprungli. Yum!
  57. At the Tufi fest in Adliswil http://post.ly/5hrZ
  58. STS-128: Burritos in Space http://post.ly/5sA9
  59. Greetings to @diegozzamboni, my Brazilian namesake on Twitter :-)
  60. Really hoping the new cable modem arrives today. Four days offline at home is good as detox therapy, but it's getting annoying.
  61. LazyTweet: recommendations for a free webhost for a set of static HTML pages (~25MB)? I need to upload my own files, no "site builder" tools
  62. w000t, the new cable modem just arrived! Online again.
  63. Although who missed it the most was my 1yo, who loves watching YouTube videos :-)
  64. …in reply to @ryanwi
    @ryanwi GEA + DryDrop looks very promising. Thanks for the tip!
  65. …in reply to @urkovain
    @UZurutuza I would agree that it's not the norm, but OTOH there's no conflict - session chair is just presenting the papers.
  66. Wow, WTF big time. RT @jephjacques: I have never had a better start to my day: http://bit.ly/1oIZsF
  67. Fix MacFusion on Snow Leopard | Racker Hacker http://post.ly/60jP
  68. Coffee, then Coding time
  69. Kind get google-docs-fs to work on my Mac. It mounts, but on any type of access it says "Input/Output error". Any ideas?
  70. Plus my brain is fried. That should have been "Can't get..."
  71. My MacPorts install was such a mess already, I just removed it completely and started from scratch.
  72. …in reply to @AlecMuffett
    @AlecMuffett I couldn't bring myself to liking Adium as a Twitter client (I use it for everything else). I'm spoiled by @tweetie
  73. …in reply to @undefined
    @doctorlinguist Agree. It annoys me that it insists on installing its own duplicate versions of things. Still, I find it very useful.
  74. …in reply to @hypatiadotca
    @hypatiadotca Well, there's something I had never even considered. There really are websites for everything out there :-)
  75. Huge dust storm in Sidney http://post.ly/65u5
  76. The Ultimate Productivity Blog: http://productiveblog.tumblr.com/
  77. 30 Bad Practices of Web Designers http://post.ly/66Mx
  78. I just discovered that you can edit snippets before posting to @posterous using the bookmarklet. Neat!
  79. Windows 7 Party http://post.ly/66QH
  80. Dear web programmers: the plus sign is a valid character in an email address. Please get your act together and support it properly kthxbye
  81. …in reply to @agarwal
    @a4agarwal OTOH it's absolutely great that you guys reply personally to every message we send. I love that about Posterous.
  82. Trying to sell or give away a NeXTstation I bought from @vkoser a long time ago. You'd think more people would want such a nice machine.
  83. …in reply to @globotomy
    @triki_bert Have you tried Tweetie?
  84. …in reply to @globotomy
    @triki_bert Syrinx is really nice, I used it for a long time, but I like Tweetie better. I love the conversation view.
  85. Does anyone know if Twitter notifies people when you block them?
  86. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I'm guessing it would be awfully expensive. Plus it's not that rare an item - you can usually find a couple in eBay.
  87. RT @chevalier_noir: I see Google has a sense of humour: http://bit.ly/WRORk
  88. …in reply to @undefined
    @Shrdlu No, brought it with me from Purdue. But now I can't afford to ship it back across the Atlantic :-) Would like to find it a good home
  89. 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines « Smashing Magazine http://post.ly/67JD
  90. …in reply to @undefined
    @Shrdlu :-) I didn't know you were also a NeXT person! Great machines. Not good for much these days, except looking at them :-)
  91. Grrrrrr. Still can't get google-docs-fs to work, on my Mac or on a Linux machine. I'm spending on this more time than it's worth I think.
  92. …in reply to @VMDoug
    @VMDoug Wow, nice office :-)
  93. …in reply to @loggly
    @loggly Fully agree. @posterous rocks. I'm in the process of migrating my blog (currently self-hosted wordpress) to it.
  94. …in reply to @ak1010
    @ak1010 It seems it's only the web frontend again. Using IMAP I can see my gmail OK (at least on my Google Apps account).
  95. On the train to Bern.
  96. Arrived in Bern. Going to Mex. Embassy to pick up wife & daughter's new passports
  97. Done. Two hours of travel for 20 min of paperwork.
  98. Doner kebab for lunch on the way to the office
  99. Finally back in the office. Correction: that was almost 5 hours of travel time for ~20 minutes of paperwork. I hate days like this.
  100. The Webcycle « Tom Scott http://post.ly/6EP3
  101. Watching Delta 2 liftoff at Spaceflight Now: http://www.spaceflightnow.com/delta/d344/status.html
  102. …in reply to @davideisert
    .@davideisert But not everyone knows what a browser is: http://bit.ly/lBnxj
  103. …in reply to @gattaca
    @gattaca Why did he block you?
  104. RT @kriggins: RT @Beaker: The art of carving up others tweets to RT them in 140c makes you a Twexter (Twitter+Dexter) ;) <- HA! <-Double HA!
  105. Brau-huus cheeseburger http://post.ly/6LUX
  106. Waedenswiler beer. http://post.ly/6M93
  107. QOTD from @Beaker: If you market yourself as the shit, you can expect some back when it hits the fan: http://bit.ly/Uk1xj
  108. The new borderless Quicktime X window is actually quite nice.
  109. Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Cosmos Remixed) http://post.ly/6XkN
  110. Crash test: 1959 Bel Air vs 2009 Malibu http://post.ly/6Xpp
  111. The industrial-strength paper shredder in the office gives a highly satisfying sense of destruction.
  112. Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile http://post.ly/6YEd
  113. …in reply to @elsua
    @elsua On the other hand, I don't think your employer blocks any of them, or do they? They don't here in Zurich at least.
  114. Just finished watching House Season 6 opening. Good stuff.
  115. Also, I learned today that a good friend from grad school, and who used to work for HP, now works at IBM.
  116. @doctorlinguist So what's the proper term?
  117. I love @github even more after the move (it's blazing fast), and love the very open, informative updates from @tekkub http://bit.ly/7T3T8
  118. RT @waybis: Odd Russian Space Rituals http://bit.ly/QC27q